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You say you see me but that's it, I keep yelling and shouting but you don't hear me because you just see me,

I use to think I could live with you just seeing me, that maybe I was the one looking for problems when there weren't any,

But I was wrong,

Because people see what they choose to see and you had chosen to see something that wasn't really me

But then again, I guess that's on me because I saw you first and never listened myself,

If someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.


I've come to notice something about relationships, we're sometimes too excited at the beginnings that we're blinded,

And things we would normally not tolerate become things we tolerate all of a sudden, and I totally understand how the excitement of it all can get to your head,

But after a few sour endings that initial excitement dies down drastically and some might see you as strange because that excitement is not what it use to be, but be strange if it means an end to the sour endings.


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