🍼strange morning🍼

815 12 3

Requested by gayracoonbitch
Little: Vance
Cg: Finney

Today was odd Finney was making lunch. Making sure to check on Vance once in awhile and it concerned him how nice Vance was being today he just started taking care of him a month ago. Vance didn't put up a fuss when Finn woke him up, give him a bath, changed him, or feed him.

He was being an overall angel. It weirded Finney out a bit but it was better than Vance throwing a tantrum at him. "Dada can I have more p'ease?" He ask Finn holding up his bowl to him. "This is your 3rd bowl of animal crackers I think you had enough." Vance pours at the response "p'ease?" He gives him his best puppy eyes "okay but after this no more you need room for dinner" Finn tickles the littles side receiving and giggle.

"P'ay wif me?" Vance asks in a hushed tone sorta in a shy way. "I would love to play with you" The rest of the afternoon they were either building a tower and knocking it down or wrestling with each other. Finney had to make sure to be careful though.

"Okay I need to make dinner and when we're done eating it's bedtime okay?" Finney expected a whine or something but he was given a ok. Finn went to the kitchen and made Mac & cheese since he didn't want to cook something that would take forever. Once it was done Vance came over stumbling a bit "can I try it?" "It for you and me you don't have to ask bud" Finn got a spoon full and blows on it feeding it to Vance.

"Mmm cheesy!" Finney took it as a good and gives Vance's and himself a bowl. Eating at the table Finn notices Vance not touching his food anymore "are you full bud?" Vance nods yawning "let's get you ready for bed" Finney helps Vance out of his seat and leads him to the bathroom giving him a bath, changing him in some new clothes, brush his teeth and washing his face , then putting him to bed.

Before he could leave Vance got out of bed and hugs him "stay" Finn wasn't going to question him he knew Vance had trouble sleeping alone sometimes. Cuddled up together the little lays on top of Finn. He was suffocating him but as long as Vance was comfortable and asleep Finn didn't care. Until he next morning he knew he'll deal with a less angelic Vance but I didn't mind.
Sorry it took so long to get out I was pretty busy lately

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