i. Intro

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WONWOO AND MINGYU never knew exactly when it started. With each passing season of every year of their friendship since they were at the age of six, things had changed in ways they never thought. Perhaps it was the maturing change in her smile or the sudden curves she'd gained after her puberty that had outdone theirs—she blossomed into a beautiful woman, crushed on by many of their past high school jock friends and the college students who would pass by the three on campus. Eyes often found themselves compelled and spanned to her, so it was only natural that Wonwoo and Mingyu's eyes did as well. Except it was different for the two, having known her eccentric personality inside and out, all of her little quirks like the pursing of her lips in concentration, or the slight twitch of her neck when she was confused.

Above all, they knew how much of a thrill-seeker she was. She loved the sensation of something new, something unexperienced and dragged Wonwoo and Mingyu along with her to indulge them in her bamboozling ideas, like the time they all recklessly jumped off of the cliff during their summer vacation trip, or the time she bought her first bottle of alcohol and the night ended with Mingyu holding her hair back over a toilet.

They were always the closest of friends, practically attached at the hips. Wonwoo and Mingyu never expected to feel, or want, something more than the bubble they had put themselves in, or rather excluded themselves from, around her.

It was almost a tradition for Wonwoo and Mingyu to stay at Red Lights, the workplace of their best friend as a popular and well-liked bartender to pay for her tuition and her bills. There, in the dark of the night, sat empty chairs at empty tables around the bar, well after closing but the small dance floor was occupied by three people.

They were light on their feet, mindlessly and blissfully dancing to the music as if it were their second language, letting the steady beats of the soul music control their bodies, their smiles glowing in the dim bar. Wonwoo and Mingyu danced on each side of her as per usual, every sneaky glance at her smile igniting the warmth in their hearts that made them subconsciously dance closer to her, gradually invited by her adrenaline and contagious joy. Whatever long day they had, whatever worries present in their university-student minds were engulfed by her and her only.

Wonwoo and Mingyu never expected it, but they were unknowingly in love with a girl.

And it was always May.

It left the two boys to wonder; how did love become love?


The sun shined brightly onto the quad of their campus, the early Spring weather enough to bring a twinge of heat to mask the transitioning cold from Winter. The two studious and well-known male best friends, Wonwoo and Mingyu, were transiting to their next class after pulling through their first class, strolling on the sidewalks beside the grass, several students sitting or laying on the quad together. The strap of Mingyu's film camera, practically glued to his side, occupied his shoulder with Wonwoo's hands in the pockets of his dress pants as his backpack hung casually from his shoulder.

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