The Other Hotchner - Part 3 😍

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A few days after an unexpected kiss, Spencer has been avoiding Allison, but she's determined to change that

Word count:3367


I sprung awake, slick with sweat, as my dream came to its climax. It was the 5th night in a row that I'd dreamt about Spencer, and I'd have done anything to prevent a 6th. I'd only caught glimpses of him since he kissed me a few days ago, and it was killing me. I knew he was new to romantic endeavours, thanks to Garcia, so I was trying to be patient, but I wanted nothing more than to see him again. I was hooked. That kiss replayed on a loop in my mind. It haunted my dreams, and my subconcious ran with that image a bit too much for comfort. I pulled myself together as I hurriedly got dressed. Today was my first opportunity to go shopping, and after clearing out most of my things other than my books during the move, I was desperate.

I locked the door behind me as I left my apartment, a familiar voice coming up the stairs. "What would I even say, Morgan? 'Sorry for kissing you and then running away'?" I left my key in the now-locked door, fiddling with it as I listened. He must've been on the phone, based on the quiet that followed. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice now closer. "No way! Not after I embarrassed myself like that! Even if she had, she won't now." More quiet. I could hear his footsteps approaching now, and my heart sped up as he grew closer. "Of course I want to, but I-" his footsteps stopped in time with his speech, and I slowly pulled my key out of the door. I really hope my middle school acting career makes this believeable, I thought as I prepared to turn around and pretend I hadn't heard him coming. "I gotta go," he hissed into the phone as I tucked my key into my bag. "I'll call you back later, but I gotta go, like, now!" he hissed again before I heard his phone click. I turned around, Spencer already rounding the corner at a brisk pace.

"Hey!" I half shouted after him. He stopped, waiting a moment before turning to face me with a soft, shy smile. "Haven't seen you in a few days. How are you, Dr.Reid?" I purred, taking a couple steps toward him. He avoided my gaze, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I- I'm fine.. Uh, I really need to.." he nodded to the hall leading away from my door, taking a step back. I forced a smile, though I felt my face fall. I'd hoped after overhearing that call that I had a shot still, but now I was in doubt.

"Oh, okay," I muttered as he slowly continued backing away. "Could we... talk sometime?"

"Yeah, uh, I don't know, sure, I guess," he stammered, running a hand through his hair. Without another word he took off down the hallway, as usual, leaving me staring after him flustered.


I walked the sidewalk, peering into the shop windows, sipping my coffee. I had found everything I needed, and was starting to notice my appetite as I explored the downtown area. I headed toward something that smelled delicious, but only made it a few steps before I heard my name being shouted from behind me. I turned to see Garcia practically running down the busy street, arms full of bags, waving wildly. I couldn't help but smile at the sight, and I wondered if she seemed this happy to see everyone. It wouldn't have surprised me. Once she was just a couple feet away she slowed, smiling brightly as she clearly fought to catch her breath.

"Hi Allison! It's so good to see you! I hope you're settling into your apartment," she breathed out as she levelled out.

"Yeah I'm settling in nicely. Finally got a chance to get some things to make it homey," I said, holding up the bags in my hand.

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