Why Don't You Make Me? 🔥

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Enemies to lovers adjacent. Narrator takes every opportunity to get under Spencer's skin, this time it works better than expected

Word count: 3449


I tapped the steering wheel as I drove down the empty, winding road. Hotch had sent Reid and I to interview a potential witness 2 hours away from the city, so now he sat in silence, scowling, as I drove us back to the station. I'd spent the drive out trying, and failing, to make conversation, only met with short answers and dirty looks. I knew from day one that Reid wasn't my biggest fan. I guess I made one too many jokes, though after hearing how Garcia and Morgan talked to each other, I was tamer than a Disney movie. I, on the other hand, had quickly taken a liking to Reid. I was always a little disappointed when the team cut him off in the middle of his rants. I was endeared by his enthusiasm and the depth of his knowledge. Plus it didn't hurt that he was ridiculously cute. And since I suck at flirting, all I'd managed to do in the past few months was annoy him more and more. I reached over and turned up the radio, quietly singing along to the Madonna song pouring through the speakers.

"Ugh," Reid groaned, "can you turn that down? It's impossible to focus."

"Focus?" I chuckled. "It's practically dark, what could you possibly be working on?"

"I'm thinking," he snapped back, reaching to turn the music off. I swatted his hand away before he could, turning the volume up more, and belting the lyrics out.

"LIKE A VIRGIN, TOUCHED FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!" I shouted out, intentionally as off-key as I could be. I glanced over to Reid, catching the eyeroll that accompanied his scoff. "What was that for?"

"Nothing," he said with a smirk. "Just you... virgin... It's comical." I feigned offense, gasping and clutching at my heart. I caught a hint of a genuine smile before it faded. He had a point. I can't count the number of times Reid or Morgan walked in on me retelling the story of my latest exploits to Prentiss and Garcia. I certainly wasn't innocent. "Seriously, Miller, can you turn it down?" Reid asked.

"Why? It's not like it's waking anyone. We haven't seen a house in miles."

"It's annoying."

"You're annoying," I fired back, earning another eyeroll with my juevenile retort. I resumed my singing, even louder this time. Reid attempted to ignore me, shifting in the passenger seat repeatedly. We only made it a few more miles before he switched the radio off agressively. I glared at him for a moment, still singing.

"Would you please shut up?" Reid hissed.

"Why don't you make me?" I teased, raising an eyebrow as I watched him stare at me. It was dark now, but I could see his brow furrow as he bit his lower lip. He took a deep breath in through his nose, slowly exhaling through his mouth. I just kept staring, not worried about the road ahead. It'd had straightened out, and we hadn't seen a single vehicle the entire trip. Reid licked his lip, looking me up and down once, then spoke.

"Pull over."

"Wha- what are you talking about?" I said, turning back to the road, trying to level my breathing. Seeing him lick his lips like that had my mind racing. I tried to focus on driving, but Reid wasn't letting up.

"Pull. Over. Now," he asserted. I glanced over to him again, my breath catching at the sight of him. In the moment I'd turned away, he'd loosened his tie and undid his top button. He now ran a hand through his hair as he bit his lip again, still looking me up and down. The simple gesture of pushing his hair back made him go from cute to sexy in an instant. Without questioning, I pulled over, throwing my hazard lights on, and putting the car in park. Immediately, he got out of the car, leaving the door open, pacing. After a minute, I got out and walked around, closing the passenger door, leaning against the car.

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