Chapter 56

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A week crept by.

Then another.

Like a fucking ostrich with his head in the sand, I kept pretending like everything was normal. That everything was fine. Reality suggested otherwise, but I ignored it.

To my relief, Gracie was, true to her name, gracious enough to play along with my act. We carried on like before. I'd pick up our baby girl from daycare and bring her home with me. Then, Gracie would take her for a few days. Together, the two of us continued to take care of Stevie as though I was still her real father.

I knew this couldn't go on indefinitely. Gracie and I never finished our conversation.

If you want to go, I won't try to change your mind.

I was terrified, however, of bringing up the subject again.

I'm okay with whatever you choose to do.

To me, it sounded like she didn't want me around but was too polite to say it aloud.

Or she simply didn't care what I chose to do.

Which would hurt even more.

Still, the elephant in the room needed to be addressed.

I had no right to stay.

But the last thing I wanted was to leave.

If it was up to me, I'd remain in Gracie and Stevie's life. Forever.

Gracie seemed tenser than usual during this time, but she never called me out on my indecisiveness. She was pleasant and accommodating to the point that, at times, it felt as though she was trying to overcompensate for something.

By the third week, I arrived at a decision. I decided to simply stick around until Gracie kicked me out of their lives.

If she was chill with our arrangement for the next eighteen years of Stevie's life, who was I to rock the boat?


On Friday morning, Gracie texted me out of the blue. She needed someone to babysit Stevie. Apparently, something unexpected had come up. I agreed to help out and showed up at her place later that afternoon.

"Hot date with Andrew?" I teased as I walked into her apartment, forcing on a grin even though it felt like a punch to the gut every time I uttered that bastard's name.

"No date," Gracie muttered, looking beautiful but flustered as she dashed around to get ready to go out. "Just a doctor's appointment."

Concerned, I asked, "Everything okay with you?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. It's for my allergies."


"Thanks for coming so last minute. I know I kinda put you on the spot."

I shrugged. "No worries. Happy to help."

Heading for the front door, she grabbed her keys and purse while tossing me some quick instructions, "So, um, Stevie's napping in my room. Bottles and formula are in the kitchen. Help yourself to leftovers in the fridge if you get hungry."

"Great, thanks."

She gave a pause by the door. Her brow was creased. Gracie looked as though she had something else to say. "By the way..."


She gave me a tight smile. "I've been meaning to share some news with you..."

My eyebrows rose. "Good news or bad news?"

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