The end of one thing is the beginning of another

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~ Introduction ~


A young being grinned.

"It's a great idea!" She insisted.

Lady Death sighed.

"I already have too many people in my realm to deal with. This would not be good for management."

"But that's why it's great! You won't have to deal with them! The world they'll be in would be managed by me!"

"I still don't believe this is quite a good idea. You are still a child. You do not have the experience to manage a world."

"That's how I'll gain the experience though! And it'll still be under your power! If I fuck anything up too badly, you can always sweep in and fix it!"

Kristin still didn't look quite convinced though, so she decided to pull out the deadliest weapon in her arsenal.

"Don't you have a soft spot for the Canary? What was his name again? Timmy? And that Watcher? Grian? Anyway, why would you want them to suffer in the void? This would be a much better alternative."

Lady Death tensed.

"I- alright." She amended. "You can create this world. Just don't mess it up."

She nodded eagerly.

"Alright! I promise to try and not and fuck things up!"

Kristin rolled her eyes.

"That's not even what I said."

"I know!" The other sing-songed.

"I'll be getting back to work now, good luck!"

She stuck her tongue out. "Yeah yeah! Go back to watching that 'angel' of yours!"

The goddess only shook her head and began to walk off, before turning back to the young being.

"And be careful. I mean that. Souls are delicate. However, with what you are doing, it is relatively hard to damage them."

She nodded again, more hesitant and thoughtful. "I'll be as careful as I possibly can."

That satisfied the goddess, and she left.

The being turned her attention back to the cluster of colorful wisps. Souls.

She stared at them. Then she reached her hand out to touch them and..

It didn't burn her.

She had permission. To mess with souls

Such precious things, they were. So fragile; one mistake and they'd be forever scarred. Or worse, erased from existence entirely.

And she was about to be messing with them.

Suddenly, she was much more reluctant to go through with this.

But she was told there was a very, very low chance of her fucking up (because there was always a chance, for anything) by Lady Death herself.

She trusted the goddess.

And that goddess trusted that she (most likely) wouldn't mess this up.

So she took the colorful souls gently in her hands, the wisps shimmering in an almost mesmerizing way. They flickered and seemed to squirm under her hands. Feisty things, as their owners all had strong personalities. Some more so than others, but all still strong none the less.

She looked over to other floating objects. Transparent orbs - worlds. More specifically, afterlife worlds.

A small, bright orb caught her attention. A new, fresh world. One perfect for this.

She brought the wisps over to orb.

And then, slowly, delicately, integrated the souls into the world.

And, scattered across an unfamiliar world, 17* people all woke up.


*this number may change, but it'll at least be 15 because I want to add Lizzie-

Feel free to ask questions if something doesn't make sense, I don't know if I made things coherent enough or not lmao-

The next part should be out soon, as I already have it partway done-
That is if I don't finish a different thing first-

I was going to wait until i finished the next part to post this, but whatever-

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