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I stared at my paper already done with my test bored. Still thinking about Louis I wish I didn't it was annoying that he kept popping back up in my mind.

It didn't help that he was good looking i won't lie I thought about certain things for a second or two. Everything was good except for his damned personality.

The teacher tapped on my desk "Stay after class I need to have a quick chat with you mr.styles." He said quietly before walking away making his rounds around the class making sure students weren't cheating and such.

I sat up in my chair looking at the clock it had been about a month since I've moved and I had grown accustomed to all my classes befriending all the teachers and call me a nerd but it had its perks like free food.

The bell rang and everyone got up exiting out of the class room I waited till the last person left and finally got up slowly going towards the teachers desk who was looking down at some papers.

"Harry you know I am always giving you the benefit in anything that will make your collage recommendations looks good for next spring when it's time for early decisions so in the fact that you are almost too advanced for this class,  I want you to tutor some of those who are less fortunate." He said with bright eyes. "And the added perk is community service hours."

I brightened up a little my social anxiety lowering a bit. "Sure." I said politely.

"Great so um here's your assigned partner or whatever you'd like to call them, now you can either have your sessions here in school or in their or your own homes if your more comfortable it's your decision and when you are pleased with your work we shall assign another." He says handing me a paper.

I take it with a friendly smile on my face that faded when I saw the name that was on the slip. Louis Tomlinson, oh the irony. I cursed the universe for this twisted mix up. I shook my head lightly rolling my eyes.

I dragged myself on my way to the next class period which yet again Louis Tomlinson was in. I am beginning to resent him more than ever.


I threw my bag on the floor a bit carelessly but I wasn't in the mood to care. I sat on the stool turning my body towards Louis, aggressively placing the paper on the desk. "Guess what I'm your tutor." I say giving him a fake smile.

"HA, this has to be some type of joke." He says taking the paper and reading it quickly. "Ha I really wish it was a joke." Louis looks up at me for a second then back down. "Nope, listen Harriet as much as I love spending time with you I'm not letting you tutor me." He said sarcastically.

"I don't understand, Why not just let me do it?" I say try to reason with him.

"No, it's not right to be working with Enemies it's an unspoken rule, I'd rather work with friends." He says rambling.

"Enemies why I thought this friendship was going so well Louis. I say with out any enthusiasm "but go ahead and fail it's not like it affects me." I say not thinking twice about the consequences for what I just said.

"Wow Harry, that was the rudest you've been to me. Can't say I didn't deserve it but quite a surprise." He says with a smile before looking down with a his smile fading quickly. I turned my head now down too. Did I actually hit a soft spot? I didn't mean to.

We spent the rest of the class time in an awkward silence Louis intensely focused on his paper while I looked at him with sorry eyes from time to time waiting for him to make a sassy comeback, but he never did.

Finally Louis took the paper that was left in the middle of our paper scribbling something on it. The school bells rang and he got up pushing the paper towards me. "Here's my address, see you tomorrow Harry." He says before I can say anything back he left quickly leaving out of the class.


"I think I hurt Louis?" I say looking at my untouched plate of food.

"What like you hit him, wow that's a new different kind of rage he unlocked in you." Liam  says.

"No I mean I think I hurt his feelings." I say my frown deepening a little.

"He has feelings?" Niall says tilting his head. "Wait like actually?" Zayn says. I nod slowly.

"What did you say to him?" Zayn says slightly concerned. I explained to them and all three listened closely to my newly found dilemma.

"Jeez it's something new with him and you every day, it's like watching one of those romantic comedies." Niall says with a smile. Zayn and Liam both looked at him.

I quirk my eyebrows. "What does he mean by that?" I say Looking at zayn and Liam.

"Uhh Liam?" Zayn said not knowing what to say.

"He means he's crazy, he thinks you might have a crush on Louis don't listen to him." Liam said

"What?, I do not have a crush on the guy who literally bully's me every chance he gets?" I say loudly at Niall in slight disbelief.

"Well I mean you rant about him everyday and you were nice to him even though he was mean to you and now you suddenly care about his feelings." Niall says supporting his idea.

"He has good points H." Liam says zayn nodding his head in agreement.

"We'll first of all, I rant about disliking him and second I was nice because I'm a decent human, and third I really didn't mean to hurt his feelings?" I say defending myself.

"Ok, ok fair points my bad I misjudged." Niall says putting his hands up in defense.

"Yes you misjudged the whole situation, I mean yes he's rather charming but he is in no way my type." I say.

"Really, what's your type then?" Niall says intrigued.

"We'll I like someone who's nice for one." I say crossing my arms.


I tossed in my bed under the warm fuzzy blankets looking up at the ceiling. Knowing well that I should have been soundly asleep hours ago. My own actions kept me awake, I truly didn't mean to hurt louis's feelings my words coming out way harsher than it sounded in my head and when he didn't reply with his usual snarky remarks I knew I just messed up.

I tossed once more and thought of ways to make amends knowing I needed to apologize. I tightly shut my eyes forcing myself to sleep with thoughts of louis's sad blue eyes still in my mind making me sad as well.


I don't know if this is good but I liked it umm (bigger than me) is out I'm listening on repeat and have even heard it on the radio!!! it's such a lovely song and his voice is just so angelic... hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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