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I sat in the stall taking a long drag from a cigarette, I was passing time in gym. I was supposed to be off cleaning the equipment room for the day since I didn't feel like participating in a game of kick ball it, footie was more my thing anyway. I blew out the smoke my eyes catching up he attention to all the really um creative writing on the walls. 'Conner is a bitch'
'Fuck u' 'this school is fucked' you know really creative..I looked over the ones I preferred to forget about. Like I said I didn't have the best reputation.

I had no friends really but was feared for being mean I like it this way it's better than being pushed around all the time. And this way all the allegations finally died down but things are never forgotten by those who were here already that's why I had to make sure I looked tougher or well I don't know my point is i prefer to be alone it's better than what I had to deal with last year.

I quivered and dropped my cig in the toilet flushing it with my foot. I headed back to the locker room. I was hardly in class about a week ago coming back to regular schedule after finally getting out of in school suspension for a while. My reason for being in there a whole month isn't valid, it wasn't my proudest moment but eh I can live with it it was actually peaceful in the the amount of work and sleep I got done in there was more time efficient than all the times I've actually been to class. You get so bored work actually is interesting and you get it done quicker so I had a lot of time to sleep.

Now that I'm back to regular class I feel better like a weight had been lifted I can finally get back to what I was good at. Being invisible to all my piers sure some may think that's miserable but all I've learned is that friends can piss off.
The only one I truly trusted was Zayn he had grown up with me since primary school so I felt the need to keep him close to me like a brother.

He had his friend group while I preferred to just say hi I know their names and that's good enough I'm sure they understand why I am to myself given the unfolded events.

"Louis you're gonna have to start actually participating before you end up failing this class."the coach said to me.

"Eh this class isn't much of a priority to me if I'm being completely honest but sure I'll kick a ball around next time if it's that important." I say shrugging careless about his opinion.

"Watch it Louis, cmon you used to love kicking the boys asses at football what happened." He said.

"I don't know lost my touch I guess." I say walking back out of the supply closet seeing at it was about to be next period.

Call me a smug prude for being  rather passive aggressive with my repiles but these days my heart was quite heavy with hate? Or I don't know exactly but I was easily agitated it's not like I want to be this way but being nice got me stabbed in the back to many times for my liking.


"Hello, how's my favorite curly haired lad." I say to harry as I enter the class sitting on the stool.
It was truly an irony that he got moved to my classes I know it was more than and inconvenience to him seeing as I wasn't particularly in a good mood when I first met him that day I was made to show him around the school, but I was just pissy about my rather stupidly given punishment.

"Hello Louis."he said emotionless with his tone. I loved getting a kick out of him. Seeing someone get so worked over a few name callings is so entertaining when they are known for being a goody two shoes such as harry.

Yes, I'm aware that I am in fact a dick for pushing around someone younger, but this was better than being awkwardly becoming friends. My friendship with harry was a passive aggressive one.

"So what's our assignment on today what does this old prick want us to do a project on now? I say scooting closer.

"Uhh, Louis I'm more than sure you don't want to actually do anything on this shared assignment just let me do all the work." He says

When I wasn't being an absolute pest to harry I was actually getting my assignments done cause why not might as well not be entirely a dick about everything.

"Hmm so how about we cancel todays studded sesh I'm not feeling so social after school." I say turning to harry leaning my head on my fist.

"Oh um sure I guess we could cancel." He says unbothered. I didn't feel like studying today anyway it's not like I actually give a shit about world history anyway.

Most importantly I just felt like being alone my plans were to drop my siblings off with their friend to have sleepover and cook dinner for the rest of my family. Then absolutely pass out till the weekend is over, maybe invite Zayn over for a little smoke sesh.

"Wait you do realize we've literally only had one tutor session." He says confused.

"Yeah that's one too many and no offense as much as you love hanging out with me I have better ways to spend my time." I say shrugging with a smile.

"Sure make my job easier I guess if you feel like failing this class." He says

"Oh please this class isn't gonna get me into collage now is it." I say not caring about it much.

"Forgive me for wasting my time trying to make your gpa look a little more appealing." He says sarcastically.

I just stay quiet sighing, sure I was probably being more of a prude today instead of tolerable teasing being borderline just rude. I don't have the energy to say anything else my head was foggy and I just wanted to be home this streak of being too corporative had gone on for far too long and quite frankly I just wanted to be alone.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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