Chapter 10 - Andreea

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Mateo parks his in front of the restaurant. I can see my scooter inside the glass walls. Oof. We get out of the car and he opens the doors for me after fixing his blue tie.

"Thank you." To which he answers with a nod. "Don't forget the photographs are coming this afternoon."

He told me about it yesterday, some photographs want to take new pictures of the restaurant. Nothing very important in my opinion, so my brain had erased the info.

The girls were sitting on the barstool when they noticed us. Trying not to be too obvious, I catch Zack clearing the table and frowning at us. I know I don't owe him any explanation because there's nothing between me and him or even between me and Mateo, but I still felt bad.

"Hey girls." I sit beside them leaving Mateo who put on his apron and left the floor to serve with Noa.

"So you really did come with Mateo" Isla clapped her hands together.

"I told you I didn't have much choice." I let my bag sit on my legs.

Nour gave me a shocked expression. "Wait, hold on. He picked you up?"

"Yeah...isn't that how it works?" I say confused.

"Wow, that's something he never did." Isla continues with a wide smile. "And you still think there's nothing going on?" 

Nour hits Isla's knee with her hand. "Shhh, Zack could hear you."

There's a first time for everything. I don't think much of it because he didn't have a choice, it's kind of his fault I went home in his car. It's weird that I already felt so close to him after not that long, and how different we were.

Mateo walks up to us with an annoyed look; basically his usual facial expression. "Alina, table 5 is asking for assistance."

I get up and turn to the girls. "That's my cue."

I put on my apron, grabbed a notepad, and put it in my pocket as my friends leave the floor. Mateo was still in front of me, so to get past him, I brushed my body against his causing his head to turn to me. I look away and go straight to table five.

"Hey miss, do you want me to bring you the bill?" It was a mom, on the phone with a toddler and a baby. Multitasking at its finest. "Not yet darling, I actually needed help with the kids. No not you Suzan I'm talking to the waitress...Yes, I know." Well, I stay there smiling awkwardly. Help with the kids? For some reason, Mateo was never too far so I looked for him in the dining area. Once I spotted him, I waited for him to glance back at me and I mouthed "Come here." He frowned. "Why?" I whisper again gritting my teeth. "Just come!"

He rolled his eyes and I looked at the women smiling at me. "I need to make important phone calls. Mind watching my kids while I go outside darling?" I hesitate a bit. "Yes, of course." The woman hands me her baby. Mateo comes to my side confused and whispers in my ear. "Why did you even say yes, you're not a babysitter, you're a waitress."

Once the woman is gone I turn to Mateo. "Come on, it's not a big deal." I tell him smiling and rocking the baby in my arms. I must admit it's a big responsibility, but it's not like I've never taken care of kids before.

He crossed his arms. "You couldn't say no right."

"Exactly." My smile drops.

He puts a hand to his forehead. "And now you tied me to the problem."

"Exactly." I gain my smile back.

When my younger brother was born, I loved to take care of him instead of my mom. I've always wanted to have a kid and to spoil them all the time. Her older kid had tomato sauce all over his face reaching to his ear.

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