Chapter 4: Margaret Loftus

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    "Margaret, I have so much to tell you about Avonlea," Grace expressed. We were sitting out on our wrap around porch. "What's Avonlea like?," I gushed leaning sitting at the edge of my seat not wanting to miss a single detail Grace was about to divulge.

     "There's so many houses that I think you and your family would love. Before you ask, the top soil is amazing for crops. I noticed that some farmers have great growth with theres, while Moody showed me the different houses," Grace explains.

            "Who's Moody?," I ask, curiously wiggling my brows.

    Grace's temples dusted with light pink so it had to be about a boy. She didn't answer so I continued to pry ever so lightly. "Is he cute?" Grace looks at her hands and fidgets with them. "Kinda," she replies. "Awww. Tell me about him," I gush.

    "Well if you insist. He's my mom's friend's son, the reason why my family and I were in Avonlea in the first place," Grace expresses. I nod my head as she continues talking about her trip speaking about Moody in a vague manner as if she was trying to cover her tracks. Why doesn't she trust me enough to open up about this?

    Father then walks out onto the porch and Grace pauses mid sentence. "Father, Grace said that there's a lot of houses that have amazing topsoil," I express. "Oh really. Let me grab your mother so we can all discuss this further," father replies. As he goes back inside to find mother Grace pulls out a notepad. "I wrote everything to the tiniest detail," Grace says. "That's great Grace. Thanks again for doing this for us. We really appreciate it. You are truly the best," I affirm.

        "You're welcome, it's no problem at all," Grace responds.

    "Oh great! We're all here," mother expresses as she walks toward us, pulling up a chair behind her. Mother honestly seemed more excited about this new discovery than father, mother is usually the one that is open to change. Meanwhile, it takes some time to win father over or for him to make an immediate decision, so we just learned to be a little more patient with him. This was his farm afterall, the place where he made so many memories in the first place. So it's easy to say that he has every reason to be hesitant about this.

    "There's a house that has open farmland, the barn itself is small, the previous owners just used it as storage for farming equipment. We really couldn't see the inside but it's supposed to have an open parlor, smallish kitchen and three bedrooms and one bathroom. Oh and the color of the home is a powder blue and the barn is a rust orange," Grace stated.
    Judging by the look on my parents' faces, Grace took the hint and didn't say more about the first house and started describing the second one. The second one sounded alright but just didn't sound like a home for our family.

    "Don't worry there's more," Grace reassured as she looked back at her notes. "The third one has a land that is shared with the neighbors behind it, but there is a clear distinction of the property line. The neighbors that live there are super friendly. I met one of them and he was around Margaret's and my age. The house has a wrap around porch, there is a spacious kitchen and parlor and three bedrooms. The barn is on the smaller side than most but it has the same properties as the one you have here," Grace declares motioning to our barn.

    Mother and father were whispering amongst themselves as I sent Grace an eye roll as she uncomfortably sat waiting for a response. Her hands started to fidget with her lavender colored dress as she lightly bit her lower lip. 'It's okay,' I mouthed to her as before she gave me a weak smile in return.

    "We really love the third one. We really appreciate you going out of your way to help us in this way," father speaks gratefully.

    "Of course, I'm so glad you found interest in one of the houses. Here's the contact information and the location of the house, along with my notes on the other house just in case," Grace shared, handing over her notes to father.

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