Chapter 39: Margaret Loftus

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Completing my exam I handed it in to the instructor. It was dead silent causing the creaks from the floorboards to echo throughout the room. I looked down with my shoulders hunched wanting to get out of the room as fast as I could. Once making it out of the building I took a deep breath, I could finally breathe again, and I smiled.

    I then felt someone grab me from out of nowhere and I squealed. Struggling in their grasp I whimpered  and was about to squeal when someone gently pushed me to the wall of the building with their hand over my mouth. "Shhh."

"Gilbert?," I asked, sounding muffled through his hand. I shook my head before playfully punching him in the shoulder, causing him to groan. "I deserved that,'' he said, hunching over grabbing his shoulder. "Who's laughing now?," I chuckled, crossing my arms.

"What are you doing here?," I whisper yelled.

    "Well I came to surprise you and walk you home–"

"Well it worked I'm definitely surprised," I interrupt resulting with Gilbert chuckling lightly.

    Gilbert took my hand into his, the warmth of his hand spread throughout my body replacing the cold and stiff feeling that accompanied me when I took the exam. I sighed as my shoulders relaxed from there once stiff position, I felt the wind blow through my hair leaving my hair askew.

    "How did it go?," Gilbert asked, nudging his shoulder with mine.

"It went as well as it could get," I replied, fixing my hair.

I noticed a smirk looking at me, when I looked at him he looked away. "What?," I asked.

    "You look beautiful today."

"Gil," blubbered out bashfully, looking down my neck started to get warm spreading up to my cheeks. Another layer of warmth was brought when he kissed my cheek.

    "Would you stop it?," I asked, acting "annoyed".


"I love you, remember?" Gilbert continued.

    "Oh I know that," I said looking up and staring him dead in the eye.


    After conversing a while, I realized we weren't going the route that led to our houses, from what I remember we were heading in the direction of Green Gables. I gasped upon realization and looked at Gilbert who only smiled looking straight ahead. He must've allowed me to talk about anything and everything as a distraction as he led us this way, what a sneak. My smile on my face beamed with excitement seeing the white picket fence that surrounded the Cutherbert's beautiful property.

        "How's she?," I asked.

    Gilbert seemed to understand who I was talking about and went into detail about the newest updates on Belle's baby. Due to how busy I was preparing and practicing for the exam I didn't realize that I didn't come up with a name for the poor girl. I had no idea where to begin when it came to this sort of thing, I wasn't as creative as Grace who could easily think of some incredible piece of vocabulary off of the top of her head.

        "Don't worry, you have plenty of time to think of a name for her," Gilbert assured, seemingly reading my thoughts.

    "Thanks cutie," I said, pecking his cheek before running to the barn. Gilbert laughter filled Green Gables as he followed close behind me. I gasped, putting my hand over my racing heart in sight of Jerry.

"Bonjour," he expressed in greeting, tilting his head in greeting.

        "Jerry, you startled me," I exhaled.

"Sorry Margaret," Jerry replied with his French accent.

    "What seems to be the problem here?," Gilbert asked, catching up, placing his hand protectively.

"Nothing," I replied looking back at him with a smile, placing my hand on top of his.

Jerry hastily got back to work as Gilbert gave him a confused look.

    "Come on, I want to see her," I said eagerly, pulling on Gilbert's arm like a little kid to their parent.

    Giving in Gilbert leaned into me dragging him behind and told me what stall she was in. I gasped as I looked at the pretty girl with her mother. "She's gotten so big since the last time we saw her," I expressed sadly. " I know, she's going to become an amazing companion for you angel."

        I looked away from her and at Gilbert, I threw my arms around him as he adjusted his footing with surprise.

"You're amazing, you know that, right?," I beamed. Gilbert smiled as he pecked me on the nose.

    "You tell me and I believe you," Gilbert expressed. I smiled as his strong arms wrapped around me. We just stood like that for a while in the Cuthbert's barn not caring that Jerry was working a floor above us hearing our whole conversation. Inhaling his scent, the worry of not being with him left my brain bringing me close to the present like Gilbert was to me right now.

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