Hard memories

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No one's POV:

 As (y/n) sat on Douma's lap she couldn't help but think of escaping right now. As soon as (y/n) started developing  Douma started to act weird around her. It got so bad to the point where she had to lock her door when she got her period to keep him from coming in. As she sat on his lap she couldn't help but notice that he was in a bad mood. Usually he would talk up a storm or they'd watch a movie but right now their just sitting  here miserable. She purposed an idea that his hunger is getting the best of him and she should probably go. When she tried to get up she felt a pair of strong arms pull her back. "Where are you off too...." He asked in a intimidating tone. This wasn't usual. "Can I go back upstairs." He smiled and then replied with a simple. "No." She tried to move but his grip was firm. It almost hurt. "Douma-sama can you let go..."  he didn't respond and just continued doing whatever he was doing. She just sighed  then fell asleep. As she dosed off Douma got up and carried her to this room.  He set her down and kissed her on her cheek. He stepped out the way and turned on this machine. The machine sticked a needle into a vain in (y/n)'s leg. It sucked 3 oz of blood out of her. Once done Douma took her off the machine and placed her in her bed across the hall. "Thanks for the food darling..." 

(Douma used to take blood from her in her sleep in keep them in baggies every two weeks. He's running out that's why he's so determined to get you back)

𝑀𝑦 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙-𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠  KNY x readerWhere stories live. Discover now