Chapter 1: A New Normal

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*two months after Link's death*

Mipha stood atop the balcony overlooking the Domain. For the first time in a while, life was starting to go back to normal—for the citizens at least. Valik and Liana have begun to carry more weight for the Domain because of Link's passing. However, they were taking it all a lot better than their mother was. Mipha tried not to show it, but just doing her normal duties as a princess was hard enough. She almost couldn't fathom that she balanced both her royalty life and her Champion life before all this.

"You ready, mom?" Valik stepped up to his mother's side, his left arm resting against the hilt of his sword.

"As ready as I can be," she faked a smile.

"This will be good for you. We can take care of the Domain. Now go have fun with your friends. You need a break."

"Haven't I already had a two month break? I feel like I—"

"Nope! The last two months were hardly a break for you! Sure you weren't battling on the field, but you were busy doing everything and anything here! Now go meet up with them. I promise everything will be fine here."

Mipha breathed out a proud sigh, "Alright. I will be back in a few days. I love you, Valik."

"Love you too," they both hugged each other tightly, but Mipha held on the tightest.


The light dimly filtered through Bubinga Forest. There was a campfire surrounded by two logs on either side, and all of the Champions weapons leaned up against the logs—two and two. Urbosa leaned back on her hands as she sat on the left log of the campfire. Revali sat on the right log, examining his feathers. Mipha had just entered the scene, bringing a bundle of sticks to the fire.

"Oh yeah!" Daruk smashed right through a boulder behind Revali, spooking the three champions. Urbosa almost fell off the log, Mipha dropped the bundle of sticks, and Revali jumped so far forward that his wings almost caught fire.

"Daruk!" Revali stomped a couple steps away from the fire and turned to the laughing Goron. "What the heck!"

"I'm sorry!" The Goron snorted. "I had to!"

Urbosa repositioned herself on the log and laughed along, "I'll have to admit, I would do that too if I were in your place."

Mipha gave a slight sigh, but smiled slightly. It reminded her of how life used to be. She remembered visiting with these three often with Link, whether it be just for fun or for their duty. Even though so much time has passed and so much has changed, these three were always there.

"Never change, Daruk," Mipha slightly giggled.

A big grin appeared on Daruk's face and he sat down on the log, Revali reluctantly sat next to him. Daruk's grin dimmed to a more serious expression after taking a longer look at his Zora friend, "So Mipha, how are you doing?"

Mipha kneeled down and shyly picked up one of the sticks. The truth was that she was not doing well. She felt drained. She felt helpless. She felt like a shell of herself. Should she tell them all this? She was not sure. Would they understand? Daruk is always so positive, and nothing ever seems to get him down. Revali, while kind at times, can be quite apathetic. Urbosa would really be the only one able to understand. She did lose Zelda's mother after all.

Urbosa's expression dipped, recognizing Mipha's hesitant demeanor. She had to find a way to help the grieving Zora Princess express her feelings, "Revali, Daruk, find us some hearty bass, would you?"

Revali simply shrugged and Daruk hopped up, "Of course! Let's get going, Revali! Those fish ain't gonna' cook themselves!" With a roll of Revali's eyes, the two traveled out to the river, leaving only Urbosa and Mipha.

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