Chapter 59: The Goron Legend

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*36 years after Link's death*

Daruk laid in his bed and heaved out a cough. His son hurried to his side and held a cup of hot spring water to his mouth. As he tried to give it to Daruk, the old Champion slowly turned his head away.

"Dad, you need to have something," his son said, growing discouraged. "You haven't had anything in days."

"Heath, I am 105. That's a pretty big accomplishment, don't ya think?" Daruk gave a small smile.

"Of course it is! But you can't give up now!"

"...I feel my body weakening everyday. I barely have enough energy to lift a finger. My time is at hand."

"No... NO! Come on, dad! I'll get the doctor!"

Heath turned to the door, but Daruk's old voice stopped him, "Hey, I've lived a good life, ya know? I'm satisfied."

Heath lowered his head and wiped away some of his oncoming tears. "I can't believe this. What do I do?"

Daruk took in a deep, raspy breath. "Bring Mipha and her family to me."

"Th-Them? I understand why, but I've never met them before! What do I tell them when they get here? Do I say the truth?"

"Well, uh, I don't wanna sound rude, but that family is a big target for all that is evil. Not to mention, Urbosa and Revali's family even get targeted. I know you're a full grown Goron, but if there's anything I'm gonna be sure about when I'm gone, it's that you and my future generations are safe from harm. You are my son, but to everyone else, you are a friend."

"Your best friend," Heath corrected.

"Yes," Daruk laughed. "Now go get that family. I need to speak with Mipha before I go."


The Zora royal family, aside from Dorephan, gathered inside Daruk's home. All of them were dreadful and heartbroken. Daruk was like a fun uncle to Sidon, Valik, and Liana. They all had plenty of fun and exciting experiences with him, whether it was pulling pranks or going on adventures. Daruk had gladly adopted Klay and Tayli into the 'family'. He helped them adapt to the demanding life they now live and gave them wonderful advice. Although the one saddened most of all was crying right at his side.

Daruk held Mipha's hand as her tears littered the volcanic floor. She could not believe that Daruk was at this point. How could he be so calm? How was he so willing to leave his people and friends behind? How could he leave her?

The Champions weren't just friends for Mipha. They were part of her. They were the ones that she turned to in her time of turmoil. They were the ones that she confessed her darkest burdens to as she was horrified at the thought of letting her family see the fear she buried. Revali was her resilience. Urbosa was her wisdom. Daruk was her confidence. Zelda was her kindness. Link was her strength. Daruk was the last one keeping her walls from crumbling. If he died, she feared that there would be nothing left of her.

"Please, Daruk..." Mipha cried, hiccuping a few breaths.

"This body won't hold on forever, Mipha," Daruk's voice was low, but encouraging. "Time is running short."

"I don't understand. You aren't sick. You don't have any injury."

"...May Mipha and I have some time alone?" he asked. Everyone in the room gave an understanding nod, and Heath led them out of the home. When it was just the two Champions, Daruk held Mipha's hand tighter, and she wiped away some of her tears. He gave a low hum, "A few days ago, I had a dream. I saw Revali and Urbosa and Link. I couldn't hear them speak, but it was a profound feeling in my heart: I have fulfilled all that I needed to. They were ready for me."

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