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A/N This part is mostly the one shot, but I will make a mark to where it ends so people who already read it can skip over it (If they want)

"Arthur, be a dear and get me a drink," she spoke. "Oh! I can go with you, Alfred, Matthew? do you want anything?" I asked. "Oh, just whatever, they should be fine," Alfred answered for the both of them. Amelia took a seat beside Matthew, and I smiled at Arthur. "Alright, let's go," I spoke.

Arthur and I began to walk to the area where the drinks were, and I would look over at him from time to time. "What is wrong? You are suddenly quiet," I spoke. "Oh! Yeah... sorry..." He said nervously. "Well, do not be so tense! We are alone now; how are you?" I asked, serving a drink. "Well, I finally convinced Amelia to move to France so that I will be moving there soon, now we can see each other more," He smiled. "Wow! That is amazing news! I can not wait," I answered.

It grew silent again as we served the drinks. "Did you see Alfred's hair? He used too much gel if you ask me," I laughed, breaking the silence. Arthur turned back to look at him, and he soon started laughing. "That idiot, I bet he begged Matthew to help him too," He added. We both began to walk back to the table, holding the drinks, and I continued to laugh. I felt so happy being with him.

As we got closer to the table, Arthur sat beside his wife and placed the cups in front of them. I handed Alfred and Matthew their drinks and stood up. "Sorry, excuse me for a second; I want to wash my hands quickly," I spoke. They all nodded at me, and I walked toward the washroom. I took my phone from my pocket and saw messages from Matthew.

"Something about her is weird... the way she talks about Arthur, it gives me bad vibes," it read. What on earth does that mean? I know he has good judgment, but I did not notice anything weird about her. I walked out into the hall and looked at the walls full of old photos of the classes from the previous years.

I stopped in front of the one with the year two thousand and thirteen. I looked for myself and smiled, seeing Young me standing beside young Arthur. Alfred and Matthew were behind us, and Gilbert and Antonio were to my left, along with a few other people I used to know. I held my phone up and began to take a picture of the two of us, then of everyone from farther away. I was going to show Arthur later.

"So what exactly is your relationship with my Husband?"


I jumped and looked beside me, seeing Amelia. Damn, she came out of nowhere!

"Uh? Our relationship? Just platonic, we have always been friends," I spoke. I looked at her, a little confused, and she stared at me suspiciously. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you and Arthur just seem a little too close for my liking, and after overhearing your 'coming' out story, I am sure that you are the type to not keep his hands to himself," She spoke. I was shocked that she said something like that.

"It is not like that at all; he and I are just childhood friends; I would never-"

"Yeah, well, I do not need you getting it into his head that he likes men. It is a disgrace; he is not a faggot!"

"OH, HEY! YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT; ARE YOU CRAZY?" My eyes widened at what she said, and I saw how Arthur came from nowhere. He was down the hall and began to walk toward us. "Stay away from him; I don't need your influence around," She hissed. This was very shocking to me. "Hey, I just wanted to check on you. Is everything alright?" Arthur asked.

"Yes! just peachy!" she smiled. I looked at him, worried, and he looked back at me, confused. "Well! Let's go back!" she smiled. I watched as they started to walk away. That is when I saw something peeking out from the back of his neck. He tensed up as she grabbed him, and I felt sick.

It was not a hickey; I knew a bruise; I was not an idiot.

"This bitch..." I whispered to myself.

Now the continuation!

I walked back to where everyone was and kept my head down nervously. How did she know I was that way? They only showed up after the conversation unless Alfred and Matthew said something to her by accident. Either way! What she said was uncalled for and very homophobic. "Francis!" I heard a cheer. My head looked up, and I immediately felt myself being tackled. "Whoa! Antonio? Gilbert? How the heck are you two!" I cheered. We all began to hug each other and pat each other's backs.

"Well, Well, Well, are you going to sweep him off his feet?" Antonio whispered in my ear.

"Or are you going to be a pussy?" Gilbert added.

"He is married!" I laughed at them. They knew how I felt, well... how I used to feel. "I moved on; Arthur is not the one for me," I laughed. They both pulled away from me and lifted an eyebrow. "You are joking, right?" Antonio asked. "Nope! I am serious! I have moved on," I smiled. They looked at me, shocked, and I looked past them toward Arthur. He was smiling as Alfred and Matthew talked to him.

He suddenly looked back at me, and our eyes met. I felt my face soften, and suddenly, a small smile formed on his lips. He waved at me slowly, and I could not help but lift my hand to wave back at him. "Yup, I am completely over him," I spoke. I felt a smile form on my face and watched him. Antonio and Gilbert turned to look at him, then back at me. "Does not seem like it," Antonio teased.

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