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The next day was dreadful. The plan was to spend time with Arthur before we went our separate ways again, but he hasn't answered any of my calls. I was with Everyone else at Alfred's place, and we all tried talking about what happened last night. "I can't believe he would lie for her," Alfred said, shocked. "I can; it makes sense," I said, annoyed. "Should we do something? Maybe we can call the authorities?" Matthew suggested. "Yeah, that won't go well, they are married, and he is covering for her; it would be hard to do something with no evidence, for all we know, she could turn it on him and say he is the abusive one," Antonio pointed out. "Well, we have to think of something," Alfred spoke. "What if we try talking to him? Getting him to leave?" Gilbert asked.

"No..... I doubt he would leave her," I spoke. I looked at my call log and saw how many times I had called him. "Wait, do any of you remember the hotel he was staying at?" I asked. They all looked at me, and Alfred nodded. "Yeah, I do, actually; what are you planning?" He asked. "I am going to go get him and talk," I said, standing up. "Where is the hotel at?" I asked. I began to grab my keys, and they looked at me, stunned.

"Seriously?" Matthew asked. "Alfred, where is it at?" I asked. He immediately pulled out his phone and started to write it down on a napkin. "What? Alfred? Don't just give it to him! Francis, you can't do anything," Antonio tried to say. "I'm not going to fight her or anything, and I'm just going to talk to him," I explained. Alfred handed me the napkin and tried to look away as they all glared at him. "What? You look at me like I'm crazy," he laughed.

I took the napkin from him and immediately started to leave. "Francis, wait! What are you going to do?" Gilbert asked. "Please, if you aren't with me, then please back off," I said, annoyed. Antonio tried to grab my wrist, but I shook him off. "Please, it will not take long, I will go in and find him, talk to him, and that is it," I explained. They all watched me get into my car, and I knew they would follow me. I just wanted to talk to Arthur, and I wanted to make sure he was safe.


Once I arrived at the hotel, I walked up to the desk and smiled at the lady.

Alright, Francis, time to woo some lady.

She immediately stopped what she was doing and looked at me with a dreamy look. I leaned against the counter and smiled at her. "Oh wow, If I knew this hotel had such a beautiful staff, I would have booked here," I smiled. "oh? Oh, haha, you are too kind, sir; what can I help you with?" her face turned red, and I looked down at her name tag. She leaned closer to me, and I held her hand softly. "Alice, it is such a beautiful name. Would you mind helping me find my friend's room?" I asked.

I started to caress her hand and reach my other hand toward her cheek. "What-what is their name?" She asked wide-eyed. "Thank you, darling; his name is Arthur Kirkland," I smiled at her. She nodded and started to type stuff into the computer. She smiled, writing the number on a piece of paper, and handed it to me. "Thank you so much, darling; you have made me very happy," I smiled. I held her hand and slowly pressed my lips against her hand. "Oh, it was nothing really," she spoke, blushing.

I started to walk away with the information I had received and saw her waving at me. "Come again!" She smiled. I waved goodbye and started running up the stairs to the third floor. It was room three fifteen.

I started walking down the halls and looked at all the doors, looking for the number. I finally stopped in front of the door with the number three fifteen. I took a deep breath and slowly started to knock on the door. "Coming!" A voice called. I felt myself tense up, recognizing his voice.

The doorknob began to move slowly, and he opened the door. "Francis? How did you? Why are you? You have to leave now," he spoke worriedly. I placed my hand on the door and shook my head. "Is she here?" I asked. He shook his head, and I pushed myself in. "Arthur, listen to me," I started. "You need to leave now; she will be coming back soon," he spoke worriedly. He closed the door behind him, and I looked at him seriously. "Arthur, you don't have to be with her, please; I can help you," I tried to say.

"Francis, please, you promised you wouldn't get involved."

"I know, but Arthur, I can't stand watching her abuse you like that."

"Francis, please."

"Arthur, just listen to me for a second... don't put yourself through this anymore; I can take you away from all of this; I promise you, Arthur, I love you-"

"It's too late; I'm in too deep."

"No! It isn't; just come with me; I can help you."

He looked at me sadly and shook his head. I walked toward him and grabbed his cheeks in my hand. "Would you stop being an idiot and just let me save you," I said, annoyed. His eyes widened at what I said, and I felt his face get hot. "Francis, the truth is...I-I...."

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips. I pushed myself into him and held him tightly. He grabbed my shirt and clenched his fists with some of the cloth. I moved my hands up from his face to his hair and continued to kiss him. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say.

"Francis, the truth is... I love you, and I have been just too scared to say anything for a long time," he cried. I pressed my lips onto his harder and felt him kiss me back in sync.

I heard music all around me as I kissed him longer and harder. There were so many emotions that had been shoved deep down for a long time that I could not handle them anymore.

Our lips continued to dance against each other as the entire world faded. My surroundings vanished, and it was just the two of us. I held my hand against the nape of his neck and felt my feet melt into the floor as we kissed each other.

Suddenly I see how wonderful life could be. The thoughts of being with him made me happy. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" A yell interrupted. Arthur and I stopped kissing and looked toward the door where Amelia was standing. I looked at Arthur, whose hair was messed up, his face red, and he was stunned.

"Amelia?" That was all he could say. She looked shocked and looked at me. She suddenly started to walk closer to Arthur, and he looked at her nervously. I looked down at myself and saw my shirt was messy from him pulling on me.

What was she going to say to him?


My eyes widened as I saw Arthur fumble toward the wall. She had punched him in the face. He held onto his face, and I felt my blood boil. I had never wanted to hit a woman so much in my life. He looked at me, annoyed, and suddenly raised her hand to me. "You are pathetic! Being a faggot is disgusting," she hissed.

Her movements were swift, but I managed to grab her wrist before she could hit me.

Equal rights, Equal Fights, Bitch.

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