Chapter 8

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"They are never grateful for my cooking. When Shikamaru was a child, he would eat with such a lovely smile, but then he became just like his father."

I smiled as Yoshino told me her stories, taking small sips of my green tea here and there. I had found her in the kitchen in the early morning, having woken up surprisingly early myself. The commotion from the previous night had been the first thoughts to race through my mind. Instead of feeling tired and in need of more rest, like I usually did in the morning, I felt restless. I had taken a shower, brushed my teeth and changed, with the restless feelings all accompanying me.

I had thought a visit to the courtyard would be calming, but didn't know whether to go without Shikamaru. I had peeked outside but his door was shut closed, and I really didn't want to disturb him. The intrusion had lasted until really late in the morning, reason enough for me to let him sleep. I had waited for a few minutes, waiting to see if he'd walk out of his room, but the door remained closed. Eventually I decided to visit the courtyard by myself for a few minutes, and return before Shikamaru wakes up. But on my way to the courtyard, I had heard clanging of pans, and loud humming, from the direction of the kitchen; Yoshino had been making breakfast. It reminded me so much of my mother. After greeting her, I had ended up telling her about how restless I was feeling. She had let me help her make breakfast and eat with her, the feelings disappearing like magic. I never did return to my room.

"Do I really have to be the subject of your conversation?"

Shikamaru had walked into the kitchen with sluggish movements and a tired expression.

"You're up early? Another mission, Shika? The Lady Hokage is really working you young shinobi" Yoshino crooned, her chin resting in her palm.

"It's Hachi's fault" Shikamaru began to explain, strolling past me without a glance. He reached the kitchen counter and started serving himself breakfast. "I was ordered to escort her to the Hokage's Mansion after showing her around Konoha."

"Ah, then you must eat more. You have a long day ahead of you" Yoshino prompted.

"I've eaten all that I can, Yoshino-san. I haven't eaten a proper breakfast since leaving home, so thank you for that" I beamed, feeling grateful.

"No, I must thank you. Your kindness is what's missing in this household" Yoshino laughed. "If you want more, I've made enough for everyone, so don't be formal, and eat up. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wake my husband."

"Let the man sleep" Shikamaru muttered gruffly as he sat down at the table. Yoshino gave her son a motherly glare before leaving. The kitchen became silent after that. I continued drinking my tea as Shikamaru quietly ate, his metal chopsticks occasionally hitting against his plate.

After a moment, the Nara placed his chopsticks and his plate down on to the low table. He had already finished his breakfast. "You were here this whole time."

I mentally groaned. "I wasn't... feeling to good after last night. But I was going to come back after sitting in the courtyard for a few minutes, but then I saw Yoshino-san, and-

"It's fine" Shikamaru assured, cutting me off. "At least I know now not to wait for you."

"No... I would like it if you waited for me" I uttered sheepishly. I still felt like a stranger in the house, I didn't really want to be alone.

"How do I know when to wait for you?" Shikamaru asked.

I bit my lip, thinking about how to go about this. "When my door is closed, please wait for me."

A Demon With An Angel :Naruto Fan-Fiction: [ShikamaruXOC]Where stories live. Discover now