Chapter 11: pt I

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So I basically had to split the chapter in two because then there'd be so many words, and I think this just organises it better.

Part II will be up soon!

Enjoy x

"Naruto, you idiot, you're too loud!"

"Eh, what was that Kiba? I couldn't hear you over my greatness."

"You really are an idiot! You can't hear me because you're too fucking loud."

"Just hurry up and leave alrea- wait, who're you calling an idiot, idiot!?

"Oh! Meeting all my nakama after so long makes me feel so happy. Let us eat together, let us fight together, let us express our beautiful youth-

"Oi, you three need stop standing on the table! Act civil for once, you shitty animals."

"But Neji, they can't be... cifil dif dey fare vanimals (civil if they are animals)."

"Don't talk to me with your mouth full, Chouji!"

"What?! Chouji, are you saying my Akamaru isn't civil because he's an animal?!"

"Chouji, if you keep eating, you'll get even more fa-

"Oi, Sai! Don't finish that sentence!'

"Dickless, you should leave now."

"What, why me?"

"I should have just stayed home, this is too troublesome."

"At least... you weren't invited last minute."

"Shino, you're still depressed about that? Be thankful that you're here! Akamaru isn't even allowed in this place."

I listened to the booming voices that erupted from the opposite booth, taking in the various expressions of the girls around me. Every booth in the cosy restaurant had a single piece of wood as its own screen, to keep each space intimate and separate. But they were detached and stood only at the front of every booth, which meant unwanted noises, if they were loud enough, could saunter in, uninvited.

"That's it!" Sakura snapped, getting up and walking across to the noisy booth. The rest of us could now only see her pink hair, moving in time with her frustrated actions.

"Can't you guys keep quiet for even a minute?!"

"Sakura-chan~! Just come and join us, you're missing out on the fun!"

"Yes, join us! Let us celebrate our youthful meeting by sharing a drink!"

"I'll pass. It's a girl only day, and you aren't letting us enjoy it. You guys are so loud we can't even hear ourselves think!"

"Youf onee neef ur muf thu eaf ( you only need your mouth to eat).

"You can leave now, Dickless."

"Like I said, why me?!"

"Oi, Chouji! Answer my question. I won't let you get away with saying that about Akamaru"

"You should worry about yourself first... and why are you still standing on the fucking table?!"

"Shut up, Neji! I didn't ask you."

"I can't believe... you asked Akamaru... before you asked me."

"I get it already! My bad, Shino."

"Hahaha, I can't believe you nearly forgot about Shino, Kiba!"

"What a troublesome guy. Don't you remember how you forgot about Shino after returning to Konoha?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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