E X T R A : 3 & 4

19 1 5

Dilemmas pt. 1—

    "Hold still, Ligid." As Amihan presses a bandage with healing herbs, Ligid lets out a sad whimper, which causes Amihan's heart to ache. He shushes the teen gently, "You're doing well, son. Just one last bandage and you're all good to go." He tightly wraps the cloth so it doesn't move before thumbing the small bruise growing at the side of Ligid's face.

    "I saw Ligid's shoes by the door, how come he's so early–" Banawag stopped in his tracks before putting down his things and moving towards his husband and son. "Hey, hey, what's wrong? What happened? Who did this?" At the mention of who, Ligid freezes and his face flushes, "NO ONE! This is– I was just playing with friends and– and this was an accident, I promise!"

    Amihan and Banawag looked at each other, 'Ay nako, Ligid's so bad at lying.' Amihan probes at the teen, "You can tell us anything, you know that right? We just worry about you, that's all." He feels a little bad guilting Ligid like this, but he can see the way Ligid contemplates on telling them. Ligid's lips purse, but he stubbornly doesn't look either Amihan or Banawag in the eyes. Banawag lays a hand around Ligid's shoulder and squeezes Ligid into a side hug, "You don't have to tell us now, but know we're always on your side. If there's anything you need, you just have to ask."

    Amihan nods even if Ligid doesn't see it, but at least his boy lifts his head before taking a steady breath in. Both Amihan and Banawag don't talk, rather, they let Ligid speak on his own terms. They wait for a while, patient but never pushing. Until eventually, Ligid opens his mouth: "How...do you know...if— WHEN someone...intrigues you?"

    It is the way Ligid phrases the question that sends both his fathers stare at each other, this time in a sense of alarm. 'Oh no, oh no, how are we supposed to answer that?!' Their internal sleeves kept panicking, wondering if this has anything to do with why their son is currently injured. But Amihan clears his throat, ready to answer in a way that would seem entirely appropriate for Ligid. Because punching your now-husband's face is not the most romantic of endeavors, even if Hiwaga and Makisig also shared a similar violent beginning.  "W-well...you know how Banawag and I were childhood friends, yes?"

    "Yes, po."
    "I guess, I found out that I like— I was INTRUIGED by Banawag since I was young. Hiwaga always told me that the reason why Banawag stayed safe from my agimat was because he had my heart. And I...well, I think I knew long before but never properly accepted it until 3 years ago, when we had each other again..."

    Amihan looks up at where Banawag settles beside Ligid, sitting on the bench by their dining room in their hut. He can't help but smile at him as Banawag uses his free hand to hold Amihan's. "I...liked him, because I knew that he was everything I wasn't. Brave, intelligent, joyful, free. And I choose him everyday, because he completes me in a way I have never known before. I think about him often. I still sigh like a maiden after he leaves. Despite knowing and loving him for years, and from afar, I still get excited to see him. He makes me happy, and makes me become a better man and hopefully..." He squeezes playfully on his son's nose, to which Ligid lets out a surprised squawk, "...a good father."

    Ligid looks at him with wet eyes, and Amihan is well adept enough to know what he's asking for. Amihan opens his arms as Ligid dives in, giving his Ama a hug. "You are." Ligid says, smiling into Amihan's collarbone. "You are a great father and more."

    Another pair of arms wrap around them both, and this time Ligid turns to hug Banawag too. The other man laughs into Ligid's hair, "What about me, am I good?" Ligid nods enthusiastically, "Absolutely! Both of you are good!" They all give each other a hug before separating as Ligid looks at them with a determined look on his face.

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