Part 1

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- Broken hearts and Chloroform -

The sound of the school bell snapped my attention back from writing in my notebook, where the doodles of my boredom exist. Not a second later, the classroom erupted in noise, as everyone shoved their stuff in their bags and started talking at the highest sound range. The teacher made futile attempts to talk over the noise saying something about homework, but gave up as he saw that it was a hopeless case. Can't blame him though, school's out and the summer vacation has officialy started. I grinned to myself as I thought about the wonderful days to come spending my time without a care in the world. My grin only grew bigger as I thought about the surprise I had in store for Jason, my boyfriend. We have been together now for over a year and I was planning on spending the rest of the day with him, because he lives an hour away, and we don't see each other as often as we like. I packed my stuff and got up from my seat. The classroom was almost empty as I walked out and squirmed my way through the crowd as I tried to get to my locker. I smiled as I got there seeing Chloë and Meghan standing there waiting. Chloë quickly spotted me and waved frantically. Meghan rolled her eyes, grinned and dropped her head. I smiled at the sight of my two best friends and quickly walked over and opened my locker. "Are you still up for Jason's 'surprise'?" Chloë asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Yes, I'm still up for the day I planned with Jason." I said while stuffing my books in my locker. "The day you planned. Jason doesn't know about it." "Okay, okay you got me." I said smirking. "But yes, I'm still going." I closed my locker and we headed outside towards our cars. "We'll see each other before I leave right?" Meghan asked. She was going on a road trip with her parents, and will be gone for a long time so we planned to hang out before she left. "Yeah, of course." Chloë nodded her head in affirmation and smiled. "And you'll be telling us everything that happens today!" They both smirked at me. "Guys I'm just going to see him! It's not like I'm getting married." They raised their eyebrows at me. "Geez, you guys are weird. Okay I'm going. So see ya later!" I gave them both a hug and hopped in my car and drove off towards Jason's house, mentally preparing myself for the long boring ride.

I parked my car in the drive way and made my way to the front door. I reached in my bag to grab the spare key to the house Jason gave me. I opened the door and shoved the key inside my pocket as I walked in. I closed the door behind me and wandered over to the kitchen and living room, noticing that he wasn't downstairs. I walked up the stairs and to the end of the hallway where his room was. I stopped as I was standing right outside his door, that was slightly open and heard sounds coming from the other side of it. A soft moaning emanated from the room, but it wasn't just from one person. There were two. My heart started pounding painfully hard and quick in my chest as I stood there. He couldn't.. Could he?

My answer was answered when I heard a voice moaning out Jason's name. And that was all it took to snap me from my frozen like state. I slammed the door open, which banged against the wall as it swung against it, making a loud sound. But it was the sight in front of me that ripped out my heart and caused the burning sensation behind my eyes as tears formed. But I held them back, not wanting to show them weakness Instead I put on a cold look, void of any emotion. Because in front of me, on the bed, was a naked blond bimbo with Jason in just his boxers on top of her. Jason quickly scrambled off the girl who emitted a small squeak as she desperately tried to pull the covers over herself. But my attention wasn't focused on her. Oh no, my cold eyed glare was on Jason. "Arlet! Th- This isn't what you think!" He tried explaining as he took a step towards me. But I backed away from him, and a glint of hurt crossed his face. "Oh this is damn well what I think, Jason." I hissed out. I took the key out of my pocket and threw it at his bare chest, turned around, starting to walk away, but Jason grabbed my wrist spinning me around to face him. In one quick movement I snapped my wrist out of his hold, hooked my leg around his and pulled them away from underneath him, causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud. All those years in self-defence and fighting classes paid off once in a while and made me feel powerful. I pointed my finger at him as he scrambled to get up. "Don't you dare touch me! It's over, Jason." A tear slipped down my face in my dismay. I tried wiping it away, but the jerk already saw it. "Arlet.. Please-" Hurt and sadness were covering his face as a mask now. "Don't.. Just, don't Jason." And this time I successfully walked away, as more tears slid silently down my face. I got in my car, and dialled Meghan's number. After a couple of rings she picked up. "Hey girl! What's up? Having fun with Jason there?" I sniffed, and this is what told Meghan that something was wrong. "Arlet? Are you crying? What's wrong baby?" Her voice held pure concern. "Co- Could you a- and Chloë come to my place?" I said in-between sniffs. "Yeah, of course baby. We'll be there. Drive carefully." "Thanks Meghan." And with that I hung up. I blinked my tears away, and wiped underneath my eyes. But then something caught my eye. Outside, not too far away, stood a dark figure leaning against a car with his arms crossed. He was completely clothed in black, his hoodie he had on, covered his features, not showing his face. A strange feeling erupted in the lower part of my stomach, giving me the feeling that something was wrong. Because it didn't take anyone smart to see that his gaze was directed towards me. Unwavering, even though you couldn't see his face. I closed my eyes firmly, and opened them again after a second. But the mysterious person was gone, like he vanished into thin air. I released a pent up breath I didn't know I held in. I shook my head, and started my car to drive home.

When I got home, I saw the two parked cars of my best friends. I got out my car, and walked towards my door, going inside. Meghan and Chloë jumped off the couch as I closed it behind me and came running towards me, engulfing me in a hug. And that's when I couldn't hold myself together anymore. I broke down. My heart ripping in a horrendous way, as the betrayal and hurt crushed me. I was crying uncontrollably as Meghan and Chloë led me towards the couch and sat down with me in between them. They both comforted me and after a while, my sobbing lessened. "What happened, Arlet?" Chloë asked, rubbing my back soothingly. "He.. He cheated on me!" Meghan calmed me down once I started crying again. While Chloë.. Chloë was furious. She jumped off the couch and started pacing around. "That jerk! I'm going to kill him. No, wait. I'm gonna torture him, then kill him. That sick, lying, assho-" "Chloë! Calm the heck down." Meghan exclaimed before Chloë's tantrum got worse. Chloë plopped down in a chair, silently muttering and cursing under her breath.

The rest of the day was spend eating ice-cream and watching movies huddled underneath cozy blankets. It was getting late and dark outside and after all the help my friends gave me, I still wanted some alone time. "You guys should probably go.. It's getting late and I want some time alone to take it all in.." My friends nodded their heads in agreement and I soon found myself sitting alone. I dragged myself upstairs into the bathroom and looked at my reflection. A girl with black hair that was messy and fell over her shoulders looked back at me. My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, but the fierce green colour of them was still clear to see. My cheeks were rosy and tear stained streaks ran down from my eyes, to my high cheekbones and down towards my sharp jawline. I sighed and pulled my hair away from my face, putting it in a ponytail to get it out of my face. I splashed my face with some cold water and washed my makeup off. I walked out of the adjoining bathroom into my room and pulled my pyjamas out of my closet. After I changed I let myself fall down onto the bed. My tears were all dried up, but the indescribable agony inside was still raging on in my heart. I forced myself to fall asleep, which I found out was impossible because of the painful throbbing in my chest. Concluding I wasn't going to be able to sleep, I got out of my bed and decided to do something that always calmed me down. Going somewhere. I grabbed my running pants and a loose black top and my black Nike running shoes. I changed and headed out of my front door. After I securely locked it and tied my keys into my shoe laces so I wouldn't lose them, I took off. I ran towards the little meadow at the edge of the town. It was a long run, but I was fit and my stamina was high. The wind blew in my face and whipped my air around. I pushed myself faster, feeling my calves burning. After the couple of turns and winds of the road, I soon saw the peaceful place. I slowed down and skidded to a halt as I stood in the middle of the meadow taking the sight in. A little pond was in view and the reflection of the full moon in the water took my breath away. The grass was tall and a few patches of flowers graced the ground. Trees surrounded the place, guarding it with their big forms. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, smelling the sweet scent and hearing the soft rustling of the leaves as the wind passed through them. Savouring the moment, I opened my eyes and they widened some. In front of me stood a figure. Correction.

In front of me stood the hooded person I saw earlier today. My breathing faltered as my heart started pounding. "Wh- Who are you?" No answer.

Instead, the figure took a step closer as I flinched away. He took another step forwards. I turned around and started running away, feeling the hard lump in my throat forming.

Cold fingers wrapped around my wrist. I squeaked and threw my elbow backwards, feeling the solid connection of my elbow in what I guessed was his stomach. A grunt followed, but the grip on my wrist didn't loosen. Instead, it grew tighter. I was pulled back into a solid chest. An arm was wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms next to my body. I struggled trying to get out of his grip, but failed miserably. My assaulter was too strong. I kicked my legs in futile attempts. I screamed out, but that was soon muffled by something damp covering my mouth. I soon realised in horror what it was, a damp cloth was placed over my mouth. Chloroform. I held my breath, refusing to breathe it in, knowing that if I did I would've been lost. But the need for air quickly followed. I gasped out and breathing in. The sweet scent of the drug soon took me over. Dizziness soon swept over me as I stopped struggling. My eyes felt heave and were drooping. A breath fanned my ear, sending a shiver down my spine as my captivator whispered something. "I'm sorry.."

And that's when my eyes closed and darkness followed.

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