Part 5

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- Play the song for the special part (you'll probably know when that is). It's 'river flows in you' by Yiruma, and I personally love it. I hope you enjoy this chapter -


- Of dogs and spawns of Satan -

I was silently watching what was unfolding in front of me. I must've looked like a idiot, with my mouth full of food and my eyes as big as the plate that was on the table in front of me. Gabriel had stood up so quickly, that the large, wooden chair toppled to the floor behind him and he whirled around so fast that I barely saw him move.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Gabriel ground out. My eyes now darted to the new visitor, whom I assumed was his brother. His eyes were a sparkling blue colour, his hair was a dirty blond and his jawline was sharp with prominent cheekbones. This stranger was the complete opposite of what was his brother. Where Gabriel was dark and mysterious, this guy was bright and seemed cheerful.

"Now, now. Is that anyway to talk to your big brother. I thought you actually missed me. Especially after all this time." He replied with a fake look of hurt on his face.

"What do you want, Conven?" Gabriel replied impassively, not at all bothered by the way his brother was acting.

"What? Is it a crime now to visit your family?"

Feeling slightly pressured by the awkwardness of this 'happy' family reunion, I quietly swallowed my food. The small motion was not unnoticed though. Conven's head whipped around as he faced me. He slowly looked up and down my body with a smirk. "Well, well. I didn't know you had a visitor." More like prisoner, you mean.

Conven suddenly frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. He tilted his head slightly up and sniffed. Yes, he actually sniffed the air. His eyes widened and a look of absolute disbelief fell on his face as he looked back at Gabriel. "No way. No way in hell, bro. Don't tell me you-" Conven let out a breathy laugh. "Wow. I 'betcha she doesn't even know." Gabriel now growled warningly.

Wait. What was he talking about. What don't I know? What am I supposed to know? "Well, I'm definitely staying now. I'm dying to see how this will all work out." Conven says with a smirk, looking between me and Gabriel.

Gabriel finally spoke up. "Like hell you will, dog." The amused look got wiped off of Conven's face immediately. "Watch what you say there, you spawn of Satan."

Gabriel looked absolutely livid now. His muscles were bulging from under his shirt and I could feel the temperature in the room start to fall. My eyes shifted from form to form, awaiting what was going to happen.

"Arlet." I was shocked out of my thoughts by Gabriel. I turned to face him, to stare at his tense back. "Go to your room." I sat for a few seconds, confused and gaping like a fish. "Now!" He snapped. I quickly stood up and made my way to the big double doors.

I silently made my way past Conven and looked up at him while walking past him. He looked down at me and winked, before making eye contact again with his brother.

I silently opened and closed the door behind me and made my way back to my room alone. I was silently praying that I wouldn't end up getting lost. The idea of escaping crossed my mind for a second, but I quickly dismissed that idea. It would be way to risky at this moment. I don't know my way around this place and where the exit is. So that wasn't an option.

I let out a sigh and continued on my way back. I eventually found my way back to my room. I quickly changed my clothes and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and hopped in bed. I was exhausted from the exchange of words from the two brothers. My mind flashed over what just happened and I tried to understand what was said. The weird names they called each other and why they got so upset about it didn't really match up. The things Conven said about me knowing and stuff, really didn't make sense too.

Somewhere in the night, my night still wandering over what happened earlier, I fell asleep.

My body shut up as I came gasping for air. Sweat was trickling down my back and face and my whole body felt hot and clammy. My head fell in my hands as I panted, trying to control the after affects of my haunting nightmare. My throat felt parched, so I got up and went in the bathroom to drink some water. I splashed my face with water and drank from the tap. When I was done, I gazed up in the mirror. Bloodshot red eyes stared back at my, my hair was hanging limply around my face and my skin looked pale. I walked back in my room and sat on the edge of the bed.

I can't be in this room anymore. It's suffocating me. All the stuff from my room back at home was here and it reminded me of where I am not. Where I'm supposed to be. With my friends. Not here, all alone with a captivator that would torture me.

I quickly made up my mind. I stood up and walked to my closet and grabbed some warm and comfortable clothes. I changed and made my way over to the balcony door. I opened it and immediately a cool gust of wind greeted me. I stepped out of the door and breathed in the clean air of the surrounding woods. I made my way to the edge to the side of the balcony and stepped on. My hands gripped at the vines and I tentatively put a foot over the edge and also placed it on the plants. The cool wind whipped my hair around. It's icy fingers threatening to pull me down. I forced myself to keep going and not look at the ground. Slowly, but surely I made my way to the other balcony. My heart was pounding in my chest as the adrenaline was being pumped through my veins.

I made it to the balcony and quickly clutched to the edge. I swung my legs over the edge and was met by solid footing. I let out a shaky breath. I actually made it! I took a couple more deep breaths until I had calmed down and stepped inside the room which was joined to the balcony. Lucky me, the doors weren't locked.

As soon as I was blocked from the cold by shutting the door behind me, I turned around and took in the room. The moonlight filtered in, and casted the room in a glowing white light that was so illuminating that I could see clearly. My heart started beating joyfully as I saw what was in the room.

A grand piano with a big wing was stood in the middle of the room. The colour was a beautiful deep, chestnut brown. A matching stool was set in front of the keys that were still covered. I made my to the piano and carefully slid my fingers along side it. I came to the stool and carefully sat down, admiring this beautiful instrument. I slowly lifted the lift up and almost gasped. The piano tiles were made beautifully from ivory and contrasted with the dark keys. I let my fingers feel the smooth stones and closed my eyes. Without any thinking, I played one of my favourite pieces.

The soft tunes filled the room and my consciousness floated away with it. Just for now, I wasn't a prisoner. Just for now, I wasn't lonely and scared of what might happen. Just for now, I was free. My fingers started pressing the keys in a precise rhythm, which I had perfected over the years of practicing.

The sound silently faded away as the verse ended. I dropped my head and opened my eyes. I was surprised to find tears welling up in my eyes. The feeling of something so free and the sound of something so beautiful had more than calmed me down.

I soft, slow clapping filled the room and my heart froze over with dread and fear. "Well, wasn't that a pleasant surprise?"

Sup guys?

I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry again for the late updates.

I just want to tell you guys something. So as you know my updating skills are very..... bad. I think I've said before that I've been really busy and updates have been really hard for me. I don't want to put this story on hold though. I just want to keep writing when I can, although this might not be regularly. This also counts for the book Starlight.

Summer break is starting very soon, so I think I will be able to update more then.

I hope you guys enjoy this story up till now and don't be shy to check out our other books or ask some questions. :)

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- the Duowriters

The Truth Of Lies | Slow Update'sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें