Part 2

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- Blood Bound -

I groaned and pried my eyes open. Darkness was covering my view and a pounding headache was raging on behind my eyes. It felt like a truck ran over me, twice. Every muscle, every inch in my body was painful. A mouldy, damp smell invaded my nose. A slow dripping noise echoed throughout the room with a steady tap tap sound. I raised my hand and covered my face. A heavy weight was hanging from my wrist and I snapped my eyes open again to see what it was.

Shackles. Shackles were clasped around both of my wrists and thick, heavy chains were attached to them. My eyes followed the track of chains that were unnecessary thick, all the way behind me where they were firmly put in place in the cold surface of the thick, stone wall. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and that was when I remembered the last events that happened. Flashes of them raced through my mind.






I started breathing heavily, as I went into panic. I started yanking on my shackles, but to no avail. My wrists were starting to burn as they were starting to get raw from my pulling and struggling. After a couple of minutes passed I gave up. My breathing came out in ragged, short breaths and I leant back against the wall with my eyes closed. I willed myself to calm down and think of a way to get out of here. My mind wandered to why I was here. What have I done wrong? I wasn't a witness to something that wasn't meant for me to be seen or anything. So why am I here?  I opened my eyes again after I was somewhat calm, and waited until my eyes were adjusted to the darkness. My eyes scanned around the room. The walls and floor were of a rough, brick material. A single door was the only option of leaving this room. The floor was bare, the only remnants were of shackles and thick chains. The darkness in the corners of the room gave it a dark, sinister look. And then my eyes came across a figure slumped against the wall across from mine. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. A gasp escaped my lips as I saw who it was. 


His head was sagged against his chest and his eyes were closed. Bruises covered his face with deep blue and purple colours. His golden hair was matted and dirty. A dried up trickle of blood came from his hair and ran down the side of his temple. My eyes widened as I took in the beat up state he was in. "Jason?" I whispered, but no reaction came from him. Not a single hint was given that he heard me. "Jason!" I screamed and frantically pulled on my chains again, ignoring the protests my arms and wrists were giving me. 

A deep low chuckle ran through the room, which ceased my struggles and made my blood run cold. My eyes slowly drifted to a corner next to Jason where the sound emanated from. A figure was leaning against the wall. His arms were crossed over his chest. His body was lean, and thick muscles were covering his arms and chest giving him a broad posture. His face was covered by the shadow, hidden from view. "How pathetic. You know he can't hear you, right?" The persons voice was a velvety smooth and low sound, which had me gripped the minute he started talking. "What have you done to him? Is he.." My voice came out pathetic, weak. "What? Dead?" A laugh followed. But it wasn't a laugh of humour. It was and evil, cold laugh. "I won't give him the satisfaction of escaping that easily." My breath hitched in my throat. "What.. What do you mean?" The person shifted slightly, his face still covered by darkness. "I mean," his voice has reached a dangerous, low tone. "For the rest of his life, he will be tormented and tortured. By me. He will scream in agony. He will cry. Hell, he will feel his sanity slowly slipping away from him, and not be able to do a damn thing. And that will be just the beginning."

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