The Beginning

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It was a breezy Friday morning, when I woke to the sound of my mom cooking in the kitchen. I woke up from my bed and headed to the kitchen. As I itched my head, my mom greets me, " Ah Jae your finally awake," she said as she handed me a plate filled with kimchi eggs, "hurry eat fast, dad already left for work so I have to take you to school. She looked at her watch and said, "You need to finish that and get ready in 20 minutes. Then after school do you want me to take you to Cube or do you want to walk." I went to Seoul Moon young Girls' High School so it was about a 10 minute walk there.

"Its okay Mom, I can walk," I said as I gobbled up my eggs and headed to my room to get ready. My mom had ironed my uniform the night before so I just stuck that on then I put on my makeup. I brushed my hair then stuck a little butterfly clip in it. I put on my socks and then my white shoes. I also packed an extra bag with sweatpants and a crop top. I walked outside my room then my mom drove me to school. I have a few friends at school, I am not popular, but I am not lonely. So, during lunch I told my friends that I had an audition for Cube and they all wished my the best of luck. 

After school had ended, I changed into my other clothes and  I walked to Cube. I had to be there in about 20 minutes, so I grabbed a coffee on the way. With about five minutes to spare, I walked into the building.  

I had drunk about half of the coffee already. I looked at my phone to see if I had gotten a text message or a phone call from Cube to tell me when to come in. I wasn't very aware of my surroundings when I walked into somebody and spilled my coffee all over them. I looked down in disbelief.  "I am so sorry. Let me help you clean that up." Without even looking at the girls face yet, I jogged over to the nearest paper towel role and started patting her down and wiping the coffee off the floor.

"Its okay. Don't worry about it," a girl said as she pulled my arm up off the ground. I looked at her face and it was the one and only Jeon Soyeon. I bowed my head about three times to the point where I was a bit light headed. "Hello, what's your name," she asked me as if she was very curious. 

"Oh my name. My name is Yoo Jae," I said a blushing a little out of embarrassment. "I was actually headed to audition. Do you know where that would be at?"

"Oh, I was actually headed that way anyway, just follow me. Also I have a question," she said while throwing away the paper towels. 

"Yes, ask me anything," I said while being interested in her question. 

"What's your strong suit?" she asked me while staring my dead in my eyes.

"Hmm, I would say that dancing and vocal are my top suits. I have been taking vocal lessons since I was 9 and dancing lessons since I was 10. I am 15 now," I said while we finally arrived at the door.

"15?!" she said while her eyes widened. "Sing for me." Jeon Soyeon wants me to sing to her. I can't believe this is happening. I sang Lim Chang Jung - The Love I Committed. As I sang she looked at me with a reassuring smile and in excitement. I only got to sing about 30 seconds before someone opened the door to the audition room right next to us. A girl that looked to be about 18 or so came out of the door crying. I felt bad for her, I'm pretty sure she didn't get selected, but there is always a next time. 

 Soyeon looked at me with a proud smile as they called out, "Yoo Jae." I walked in and hoped for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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