The beginning

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Peter's point of view:

After the last show of the tour the band decided to go for a drink but after Gene and Paul left, Ace started acting weird, he had been drinking a lot.

The next morning I woke up next to a dark haired figure, yet there was no girl with us in the bar, strange?

I got up, got dressed and woke up the person in bed with me.

"Wake up, it's morning," I whispered, the person looked suspiciously like...Ace.

"Peter..what are you doing in my room?" said Ace, l-Ace's room..

"Ace!.. how the hell did it end up like this.."

"Peter calm down," Ace said.

"How do you want me to calm down, imagine someone saw us!" »

"Oh so that's what's bothering you..did you like it?" Ace asked with a smirk.

"W-what-", I didn't know what to say and felt my cheeks getting hot, what's the question at a time like this..

"Get dressed before Gene comes into the room." I said rather coldly, then I saw Ace's smile disappear.

"I'm sorry Peter it's my fault I drank too much, I wouldn't do it again, I just thought for a second that..."

"Ace, shut up." I said, I then walked towards him and saw his cheeks turn pink, he looked at me questioningly.

" Everything is fine ?" he said, but before he asked me too many questions I hugged him and said:

"I don't know what you did to me last night but it was the best experience I've had," he laughed and replied:

"So I guess that answers my question"

I left to join Gene and Paul who was waiting for us.

"Peter why were you in Ace's room?" Paul asked but before I could come up with an excuse Ace came up and hugged me from behind which I admit confused me but I replied:

"Last night Ace drank too much so for his safety I preferred to stay with him", Gene smiled slightly he knew that Ace and I were rather close friends but Paul looked a little pissed .

"I first wanted to congratulate you on this tour, we have a 5 month break before getting back to work but keep training you to do even better on the next tour so go home and rest," said Paul. Everyone went home but after a few days after training I found my suitcase in front of the door I did not understand and asked my wife:

"Why are my suitcases in front of the door?" she then replied:

"It's over Peter", I didn't understand and stood there looking at my suitcase disturbed

"Peter!" Leaving this house it's over between us", I was shocked by these words I felt tears run down my cheeks, I then took my suitcase, went to the nearest store and took a passover of six beers which I drank sitting down. in front of the store, it was Gene who found me drunk and said:

"Peter!? What are you doing sitting there with your suitcase!?" I didn't know what to say so I started to cry and said:

"S-she's leaving me I have nowhere to go..." I then thought and said to her:

"You can take me to Ace's...I-I'm begging you Gene..." he agreed and helped me up. During the ride Gene asked me a lot of questions, but being drunk I was too honest on one of them which is:

"Are you really watching Ace last night or?" I then replied:

"Ace kissed me and we had a lot of little hugs", I realized right after I said that I screwed up, there was a big silence in the car before I said:

"I was kidding..", he replied that we will have to talk once at Ace's, the rest of the trip was very quiet then and I was very afraid of Gene's reaction in front of Ace. We then arrived and Gene knocked on the door before Ace arrived and opened it he was surprised to see us at such a late hour (it was then midnight and 15 minutes), they observed us and saw that I was not well and then took me in these arms

"Oh Peter...what's going on..?" he then ushered us in we sat down on the couch and explained to Ace and then he said to me:

"I'm sorry Peter..if you need a place to stay you can stay here until then that's no problem" I then replied with a slight thank you and Gene then spoke up.

"Now I need an explanation of who it was tonight you ended up in the same room huh Peter." I then said to Ace:

"I'm sorry I drank a lot so I blundered..", Ace answered me with a smile and explained to Gene, oddly Gene didn't look angry and asked me:

"Peter do you like Ace?" My cheeks then took on a rosy hue and Ace laughed.

"He may not know yet but it sure looks like it," Gene then looked at me with a reassuring smile and said:

"You'll stay at Ace's until you find another place to stay and don't tell Paul for now okay," Ace and I then nodded in agreement and Gene left.

hey little message from the narrator, I'm sorry if my English is not perfect I wanted to share this story that I write not only to people who speak French and then I love to speak English so it makes me happy here I hope that you would like my story bye!^^

an accident a Peter x Ace storyWhere stories live. Discover now