the declarations

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Ace's perspective:

I couldn't believe my eyes Peter had just kissed me, my cheeks immediately turned red. In the moment Peter did not stop at a kiss he started to do like Gene when he knew that my sensitive point was my neck, when he stopped he had tears in his eyes.

Peter's perspective:

I felt tears running down my cheeks and that's when I understood and said:

"I'm jealous..y-you seemed to like what Gene did so...",I stopped talking for a second under Ace's eyes which shone brightly then I said:

"..I love you Ace.." he froze for a good minute before giving me a hug, then picking me up and kissing me. My cheeks were all red, my head was thinking "too close" so I said:

"Ace..." then looked away, he didn't understand but once he did he smiled at me and said:

"You're cute when you're embarrassed, let's have a little fun you want I was drunk last time dude I couldn't answer my question of how far do these freckles go like the one on those shoulders, I will to be able to know now", I felt my face burned so much that I was red from his nonsense. He carried me to the bedroom before laying me on the bed, he took off his top I then did the same thing. He kissed me and kissed me more and more before his house bell rang and he said:

"Damn who comes at this time, we're not even allowed to have fun. I'll be back my cat don't move." He then went to open the door while I remained silent in the room.

Gene's perspective:

I knocked on the door, Paul and I were waiting for Ace to arrive when he threw the door open and said:

"Who are you knocking on the door so late you're not well or what?! We can't have fun in peace anymore without being disturbed...", he suddenly stopped realizing that it was just Paul and me, seeing him without a t-shirt and surprised I replied:

"It's just us but do you have company to put you off like that? Peter is there? "Paul looked at me surprised at the question and asked:

"Peter lives with Ace?!" I explained the situation to him without telling the history of the room then I asked Ace:

"We can come in and talk since Peter's here, can't we? It's important," Ace stayed quiet and led us inside and sat on the couch while he went to get Peter. It's strange that Ace reacts like that, has it to do with Peter? And then he said having fun? It's all weird.

Ace's perspective:

It was really not the right time for a surprise visit, really not. Once back in the room Peter stood up, approached me and kissed me so I said to him:

"Kitten..Paul and Gene are here, get dressed and join me we will continue this another time", I was really bad to tell him since it's the first day that we are together, I saw on his face he was not very well but once dressed he joined me.

"So what did you want to talk about? I asked, Paul replied as we have to get ready quickly because he made a mistake in the dates and the next concert was tomorrow at another place in the world so we didn't have much time, so I came out angrily:

"Is this a joke?!" Is this a fucking joke?! I got up and went into the kitchen to try to breathe a little. I heard Peter say:

"Excuse him he's a little stressed at the moment, it's not mean and then it's true that it's very sudden. ", he was lying so that I didn't have any problem, I was sorry to have to put him through this, I saw him come into the kitchen and approached me, he put his arms around my neck. made me put mine around his waist and he said:

"We'll continue this later it's okay, don't get upset okay", he smiled at me then suddenly we heard Paul speak:

"Continued what? what's going on here? "Peter and I suddenly walk away seeing Gene and Paul enter the kitchen. I saw Peter a bit panicked so I decided to tell them:

"We started a new game so I was a little pissed that I couldn't continue it," Paul wasn't convinced at all and said:

"Yeah your game is the first one who falls in love with the other or feels a desire for the other lost, Ace in addition you told me that you were bisexual but Peter I don't expect that, I don't I have no problem with it of course you are who you are and I appreciate you regardless of your sexuality." I looked at Peter because he hadn't said anything since a while ago, he had tears in his eyes and said:

"You really have a problem!I'm not gay I like girls understood!" he left after these words, I think he took it out because he was angry but still hurt my heart, so I remained frozen in front of Paul and Gene without knowing what to say.

"Did I say something wrong? I just wanted to be nice. "says Paul

"It was not the right time I think Peter is still confused on what he likes you should take it easy with him." Gene replied. I then said coldly but not meanly:

"Get out of my house...Now..." Paul looked surprised but left the kitchen and Gene came up to me worriedly, put a hand on my shoulder and said:

"You sure I should leave, Peter is not well and I don't want you to do anything stupid, I'm worried about you Ace." I replied with a smile and said:

"It's up to me to manage it otherwise I'd be too afraid of losing Peter you understand the situation it's like you when you told me that you were wondering about your relationship with Paul I let you manage because you ask me to take care of myself so this time it's up to you to take care of yourself alright". He smiled at me and hugged me before leaving the house with Paul.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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