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I've been at Ace's for two months now, he worries a lot about me even if I tell him that everything is fine, it's annoying sometimes but also cute. One day we decided to cook a dinner together:

"Ace could you pass me the tomatoes please"

"No problem boss" said Ace, I then saw a tomato pass in front of my eyes and crash on the table, I then looked at Ace who was there laughing.

"It really didn't have to be that way but thank you," I chuckled a little at his stupidity before focusing back on the food but felt a presence behind me.

"Ace? What are you doing ? "I asked before feeling his body closer to me which made me blush slightly and I remain silent so he took my hands and began to cut the food

"It's easier to cut like you see" he said before realizing the situation.

Ace's perspective:

I started explaining how to better cut the food in front of him before I realized the position we were in so I let go of those hands and took a step back.

"s-sorry", I said slightly red, he turned around and looked down it's cute how he dare not look me in the eye, I then lifted his face with my hand and rested it on his cheek and said:

"hey kitten don't be shy", her face became even redder at these words I don't know what I was playing but I liked it, I smiled at him and received a slight smile in response. We then went back to cooking and having fun, once we finished we sat down to eat and we told each other what we had become outside of the music. Once I'm done I suggest Peter come watch TV but he replies that he's too tired and prefers not to bother me but I tell him:

"You never bother me you know you can come and then if you fall asleep I'll take you back to the bedroom", I saw him hesitate but after a few seconds he approached and settled down next to me and looked away a little. little red but I said nothing, I thought it was cute. The end of the film arrived and I found a Peter completely asleep, to avoid waking him up I settled on the sofa and installed him against me, soon after I fell asleep.

Peter's perspective:

The 5 months have passed very quickly here we are at an interview, Ace is late but ends up arriving completely drunk, for the others this interview was a disaster but on the contrary I found him funny and the interviewer also apparently because we had a good laugh to the nonsense said by Ace. Once home Ace wanted to continue drinking so I had to stop him it was complicated but he ended up falling asleep next to me, seeing him so close to me gave me a weird feeling like butterflies in my stomach b-but it's Ace we're just friends I can't do that to him, I'm lost I don't know what I feel anymore I-I can't have fallen in love with him, that's not like me I'm a little scared ..

Still a few months later during a concert, something strange happened, I don't know what happened. Like at all concerts Gene has this habit of getting closer to Ace with his tongue but this time he got even closer to Ace and licked his neck I felt like a wave of jealousy from this act so I threw my wands at Gene's head at the end of the song. At the end of the concert I had a great conversation with Paul and Gene on why I did this, I remained silent during the whole conversation under the intrigued eyes of Ace.

Once back, he started asking me questions when I was already upset so I approached him and kissed him to shut him up.

an accident a Peter x Ace storyWhere stories live. Discover now