Defenestration (AU!)

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Defenestration: noun: the act of throwing someone(thing) out to the window
(Dedicated to Choi Minho who requested this to my friend, Hyori and my classmate, Shantal)
Of all the schools I have to be transferred to from Oahu, Hawaii, they let me pick this place. I don't mind it, the school's atmosphere is perfect for my tastes. My problem is this one boy. Lee Taemin is his name. The bad boy of the school. Honestly, I would call him the school's man slut. Why? Elementary my dear: he grabs the hottest or cutest girl's attention, takes her into a storage room and fuck her senseless. When I'm walking down the hallways at lunch or study hall time, I could just hear them moaning and whispering lewd things to each other. Jesus, it's so wrong, it can't be described in words! And oh yeah, help me as I have to spend the rest my senior year with this asshole!
Here I am, in physical education, doing the 100m in second place. My timing was at least twenty-eight seconds. I'm not the fastest runner, but I'm not the laziest one to do it. I was leaning on my knees, trying to catch my breath which was almost unstable. I don't see how those track meets can handle those. Then I felt a towel on my nape, being left there. Oh, don't tell me that I'm a towel rack after a few months. I snatched the cloth off of me, seeing that it was Taemin in his gym uniform. He was cute in it, but I kept my cool. Besides, he gets on my nerves a lot, so why be with this bitch? "It was clean, you know," He laughs. I scowled at him and accepted his towel for my forehead that was dripping wet. "Why are you always so mean to me, Lani? I didn't do anything to you," Now tugs on my Kamehameha butterfly clip in wonder. Moving away from him with a frown, I answered, "Oh nothing, ya fucking wahine." "Aigoo, why you say that to the next biggest song hit artist?" He pouts poking my forehead. I rolled my eyes. "So you made your first solo album in the music company that only cares about money, am I suppose to be jealous?" "Nope, but what have you made over the past few months? Where's your famous group? Your music company? Where are you in lights or on programs? Face it, you need to work your way to stardom. You might be working for me one day," He taunts my status. Oh how I want to kick is ass to the hospital, but I can't. He was right. I'm just taking care of my sad stricken brother.
My eyes were watering but I let them fall down as I walked away. He'd always hurt my feelings, but that struck me more as what he talked about my father. I kept my head held high as my Pacific Ocean tears dripped low. "You dropped your clip!" He shouts sounding happy. I never turned around for anything but I cursed in Hawaiian, "Ule pa'a ia!" I still kept my tears revealed and didn't care who saw me. I never walked to anyone or anything. That bitch makes me so mad! Some child born out of that poor woman's pussy!
I face palmed at my actions that I have done to her. In fact, for the sixtieth time these past few months. Ever since Lani transferred here in Seoul, I've been a...bully towards her. And she means more than the girls that I've fucked in the storage room, and it's saying a lot! Why I say she means more is meaning that she's special in ways. And honestly, I don't confess that to her, so I'm her enemy overall. Stupid, I know. I'm a tsundere towards her.
After physical education class, I walked around campus for a little stroll. Which wasn't a good idea considering the fact that the girls whom I "laid my hands on" are staring at me. I'm being very honest, they were the reason why my nickname is the bad boy on campus: is how I flirt and get in their pants on, hence my alias. When really, I hate being called that because that's not me. I'm not sex addict that much, they just lure me in and I seduce them as a way to please them. Hell, I'm not even on top most of the time! I would've told that to Lani, but will she believe in me after what I've done to her? Definitely not by a landslide.
I walked past the first music room, hearing the piano play along with a voice. A melodic voice. Opening the door ajar, I saw Lani playing her fingers in the keys. I leaned again the door boarder, looking at what she's accomplishing. Just looking at her made me guilty of what what I'd said earlier. Why I said that to her was because...I don't hear her sing like that often. She's been that one isolated person of the crowd when we first known her. And trust me, I'm one of the people that mocks her for that.
Then I heard a sour note play, letting her signal to cry a little. Being that one person to stand up for jack shit stuff, I went to her anyways. I sat down on the piano bench, looking at the notes that she composed then played them. E flat...B F. I looked at Lani who was sodden faced, but managed to look normal again. "If you wanna sing it, go for it," I whispered, playing the melody as she sung out. (A/N I never recorded it, so yeah)
In my eyes, in my heart
Painted me like art (Ohh)
Legs shaking, chest aching
I don't know if mistaken (what if I make a bad choice?)
I can't deny how much you make me smile
How make me laugh just for a while (Ohh)
Like a queen, that's how you'll treat me to be
I don't know what to say
I don't know what this feeling is
But let's hope it gets more better than this
I can't make a fool out of myself now
But to catch his heart, I gotta know how
Before I walk out to the door
I really gotta know the one who I'm falling for...
The next measure was blank, knowing that I should stop the progressing song piece. We didn't spoke a word. Or even squeal. Or even move at all. Until I was the one that stood up and walk away from her. Trust me, I would've confessed right then and there, but still too scared. I told her, "...Sorry for what happened earlier."

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