Safe for now..

77 1 5

You two finally reached out of the nightcrawler minions view.
You guys were now at the Lab (one computer area) and you were hiding inside the little room with a computer, the other person under the shelf, crouching.
You accidentally hit the table above you (rip ur head) and it hurt like hell.
You saw some paperworks but they didn't look ordinary to you.
Yeah it was dark bla bla bla whatever but you could see some pictures.
It was about people being infected, most likely test subjects.

But wait, the pictures are..

Covered in goo?

'I know this place is already weird, speaking from experience. But why the hell is that covered in goo? And why am I questioning stupid questions?-' You got cut off when your partner (not in a relationship way ofc)
accidentally hit their head above too, yikes, it looked like it also hurt like hell.

Well at least both of us are stuck in hell.

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