It's a GUN! Run

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"It was you. You bastard! You were the one who ruined my school!"

"Woah Principal, who said about ruining anything, Reggie's dad was a school trustee he paid for the damages and new equipment." Archie countered his absurd claims!

"Yes, he paid heftily for the school damages but then his lawyer reminded him that it was a caused fire not a natural calamity or an explosion in science lab so he was not bound to pay anything. But then I reminded him that I knew his 'wedding's' secret and that it might be a secret anymore. Then he agreed to pay and made me sign a non-confidentiality agreement, which means that he I couldn't publish his secret anymore once I took his money, so but obvious I agreed."

"Sounds, like it worked out, thank god Murray I thought he was going to punch you for lighting that rocket!" Archie said.

"Wait but you just told us you lighted the rocket Archie?" Principal yelled standing up, this game just became personal and he was not playing games anymore. "Who lit it up?"

"Well, I didn't include one more name in this story I was there, Reggie was there and his newly wed wife was there. Jill lit the rocket up." Archie and everyone else stood up trying to calm the purely hot-head, easily provoked Principal.

"Well it just gets better and better! Doesn't it. Let me say my story!" He turned the small bottle to his side and continued the story with a different expression on his face, it was remorse but more than that it was rage, buried deep within, soaring to come out. It was revenge. You laggard, insolent bastards. Before you came, all of you this school was doing so well. My baby was first in the whole district with thriving applications and note-worthy teachers.

 But when you came it made a mess of my school a big one, the one I couldn't save. I could sell the whole food-poisoning story to the parents, even of a fake explosion in school because it necessarily didn't harm anyone, but after I repaired the school, after strenuous efforts and money from the Murrays. The final exam was cancelled and due to that I had to retake tests and due to all the parents being deathly afraid of what was going to happen next in the school, they didn't send their kids, nor did the teachers came. I had to make false grades in order to pass students. Your class passed but noone new wanted to come in, nor noone old, nor the teachers. Noone came to school. So I became determined to find who blew up my school."

"After 15 years of hard-work it was reduced down to you guys, and because everyone ran out of the school in such a hurry that I never saw who released the rocket! But now I know the truth and you, Jill Murray or whatever the hell your surname is. You shut down my school. You shut down my world. You shut down my life! And you deserve to die. Saying that he pulled out what seemed like a rocky sleek black pistol from his pants. And then what seemed to make everyone in the room deaf a shot fired from that teeny tiny thing something so insignificant something the size of a raindrop which falls on someone and it costs them their life." 

And the kill-shot was aimed at Miss Jill Reginald Murray.

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