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Back to Jill and Sam our best friend oops, our favourite couple well maybe not official yet...

With a gun in a hand and a sly smile on her face Penelope Blossom etched her way through what seemed like hundreds of rooms, before she found the right one- the biology lab.

"WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT, THAT THE BIOLOGY LAB WOULD BE SUCH A COOL MAKE OUT SPOT." She said startling the lovebirds our of their passionate kiss.

"Both so weak already...makes my job so much easier!"

"But why are you doing this Penelope, because you are in love, it makes you do crazy awful things, but murder? Surely this is not sane!" Sam talking her way through this situation hoping to gather some time, some weapon anything to help.

"Yeah well you are right!"

"I am right-?" Sam chocked while staying out of all pyschotic response this was the one she hadn't expected.

Sam and Jill locked eyes as confusion empowered their brows and their façade was somewhat in awe and 90% in confusion.

"I don't love the old bastard, I can barely spend time with him without trying to kill him."

"So why were you-"

"Why was I with him?" Penelope completed her question with a sly face revealing her true personalities.


"Well I needed a way for him to get you out of your hole!" Pointing to Sam she said.

"Jill now you know everyone's story, but I bet you don't know hers let me tell you, since I have the gun and the time I might as well make it painful before I kill you guys....

So, when the school falls, the students, the teachers and the trustees everyones life changes but one more life changed that time, the one noone thought of, the one noone cared about. The watchman.

His name was Theo Levinshki, he had an impeccable record, he was dedicated, determined for his work for his life he was up at 6 to get to school at 8 and everything he did was for the kids.

He was one hell of a worker but one day a small girl asks him to cut class, to get out of the school, this rich brat has everything but because she has a bad day, some classmates bullying her about being gay she wanted to cut school but she promised she would be back before the scheduled school day ended.. He had gotten explicit notice, to not let this girl out of school, never without someone knowing but out of the generosity of his heart and the promise from her he let her go. His worst mistake ever!

He waited and waited and waited, but she didn't come back.

Silently Sam started tearing up but Jill noticed and she wrapped her hand tightly.

"She never came back, the girl went on to have a nice day, a surprising party and came back home late at 11 but until then the damage had been done. Turns out she was the daughter of a minister and he had taken these extreme measures to  keep her safe. But her not returning and my The watchman's sheer generosity of Letting her go was seen as a mistake, a big blunder, as his incompetence as his failure. He was immediately thrown out of the school and was given a heartbreaking reputation so no other school, noone here would hire him. The girl never said the truth about what happened that day...

The guy was my FATHER! He NEVER got another steady job, everytime someone would STOP him from getting accepted into the job, he shifted towns hoping to get work somewhere leaving his family behind. Finally he got work at a mine. Alas, there was an earthquake there at that time, and it was near the mine. There were no known survivors.

I had to work through so much, you have no idea! I had to work through so much to get you back here! That shitty old Principal, was the only way to get you here without your personal security or your filthy family roaming around you, all I want to know is why didn't you tell the truth!

"I tried to, I really tried to te but what could I tell my dad that why did I skip school, I was a nerd and I had friends so why did I do it. And when I wouldn't tell him, he would ask my friends and they would tell him that I was gay, that a 14 year old girl in that generation was gay!

He would have been so mad, he would have left me to rot, without any money. The reason I came out gay in the last year of school was only because my dad had died that year and I was not scared of anything anymore but till then the damage was done. You dad had shifted and I couldn't help him in any way, anymore. But I sent some money to your mother every month as a token of apology, hoping it would help. I am so sorry.

"You bitch, money doesn't solve anything it makes thing complex and you will go to hell!"

Saying that a shot was fired and it hit her...

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