The biology lab

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#Dedicated to Hyana hagwaa 😂

Limping all the way through her pain they climbed a floor and finally reached the place they needed to go. The biology lab.

"The bullet just grazed your thigh, you'll be fine. Let me get you a clean cloth." Sam tried to calm down Jill's vexing nerves.

She scanned the room around her, it was exactly as she had seen it the last time just dirtier as if it was waiting for the students to get back any moment now from their vacation. She opened a nearby drawer and found a white cloth and she tightly wrapped it around Jill.

San went to a corner and called the police. "They'll be here in 20 minutes this is a very isolated area since the well fireworks."

"I know it's a stupid question, but are you okay?" Sam asked

"Except the gunshot, I feel relieved of the troubled marriage, sad for Reggie but he was always my buddy never anything more than that, never my love, just my affection. But i know i shouldn't feel relieved i should get sad and i am so upset but the freedom is exhilarating, and i am finally free of something that gave me excruciating pain. Something I never understood. Something that was a blunder."

Saying that she started sobbing.

" I am so sorry, i didn't tell you about the marriage, the problems everything. We were so close and then i just shut myself off completely, i have lived a different version of me since the marriage and i just didn't have the courage in my heart to tell you anything or ask for help!"

"Hey it's fine i lashed out too, I should've come and asked you, stayed with you, wanted to find out why. But i couldn't i was just so frustrated, i was just so angry i didn't want to find out why i let my hate get in the way instead of my love."

That last word flickered in Jill's eyes as hope as news as something to look forward to if she gets out of this mess alive... she was lost in thought for her future until Sam interrupted.

"Hey bio lab remember the skeleton. We named him

"Venkat!" They both became giddy as the started to remember the story.

"We stuck a note on the top too if u remember saying "It's venkat and it's our property and we will come to take him back."

"Ofcourse i remember. Its still funny i think it'll still be there." Jill replied

"Wait I'll check, you shouldn't move; the gunshot wound you know." She elongated her right hand and pulled out a sticky note which was stuck to the top of the skeleton box." It's still there though yellow instead of green and with dust and ewwww spider webs." Sam continued

"Wow we even signed it by our pen names Sam and Sam 2; still funny!"

Jill grabbed Samantha shoulder and pulled her down to her level and gently touched her cheekbones and let's their lips do the magic. It was wet soft, sloppy but entirely magically. Maybe 15 years of manifestation and it finally happening lead to it being a dream.

But the dreams were crashed and burned and inevitably stopped by the brown shadowy figure in hallway, it slowly withered into the light. The figure was none other than Penelope Blossom.

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