Chapter 3: She Has a Pizza My Heart

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When Romeo made it to Friar's, he was quickly greeted by his friends. They ordered a bunch of pizza and the boys started questioning Romeo about his whereabouts.

"So, where were you?" Mercutio asked, grabbing a piece of pizza.

"I forgot something in the dressing room, that's all," Romeo replied while he played with his food.

"We both know that's not true. You seriously need to learn how to lie better," Benvolio said with a playful look of annoyance. Romeo looked away.

"Was it that Rosaline girl you were talking about?" Mercutio questioned.

Romeo responded, "Kinda. She was in the band that was supposed to play after us. I went to go watch it, see if they're any good."

"Listen, Ro. Don't go after a girl who clearly doesn't want you. It can only end in heartbreak," Benvolio said.

"I wasn't there for her. I saw this girl, the lead singer for the group, while we were walking back to our room," Romeo blurted out. 

Benvolio and Mercutio looked at each other and smirked and looked back at Romeo, "Who was she?" 

"I don't know. But, it doesn't matter. She's a Capulet," Romeo confessed.

Benvolio and Mercutio exclaimed, "What?!"

"You do know Aunt and Uncle Montague would disown you or something if they knew you fell for a Capulet, right?" Benvolio said, wide-eyed.

"I know. But you should've seen her. She is so beautiful. Her singing, her smile, everything."

"You know it wouldn't work out. If she figured out you were a Montague, she would probably hate you," Benvolio said, slightly raising his voice in anger.

"It could work out. The way she looked at me, she has to feel the same," Romeo argued.

Mercutio budded in, "Ben, Ro. Can y'all argue about this later? I wanna eat my pizza in peace."

"No!" they yelled in unison.

"Romeo, you have to be out of your mind if you think she likes you. Just forget about her!"

"Mercutio is out of his mind, but you never bully him for it," Romeo retorted.

Benvolio looks over to Mercutio, his mouth already filled with an impossible amount of pizza, while he tries to shovel in more. "Fair enough."

"Give me one good reason why she wouldn't like me," Romeo said, his arms crossed.

Benvolio rolled his eyes, "Did you forget our families hate each other's guts?"

"And do you know why we hate each other?" Romeo asked.

"Yes, I do. It's because..." he looked down in thought, "Um... uh. OK, fine. You win. But in my defense, I don't think anyone knows why."

"What's your point, Ro?" Mercutio asked with his mouth full, suddenly curious where this conversation was going.

"My point is, logically, she has no idea I'm a Montague and also has no reason to hate me because I've never done anything to her that could make her hate me. I mean, I didn't even know she existed until tonight. If she doesn't hate me, I might have a chance."

"Ok, fine. I see I'm not gonna talk you out of this, but please, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"I think I crossed that line when a beautiful girl looked at me."

Benvolio laughed, "Hey! Fuck you, dude"

Romeo started running around the arcade, Benvolio chasing him close behind.

A/N: This is definitely not the best chapter, I can tell it's not that well written, but since Idk any better way, this'll have to just stay bad lol.

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