Chapter 4: Do You Wanna Hang?

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A/N: Yes, the title is a BMC ref. What're you gonna do bout it? Fight me?

"Juliet, it's time for school! You're going to be late!" Ms. Capulet yelled while making breakfast.

Juliet rushed down the stairs, fumbling with her hair. She went over to her mom and kissed her cheek, "Hey, Mom."

"Hey, sweetheart. Here," her mother said, handing her the lunch she had prepared earlier.

"Thanks, I love you. Bye!" Juliet quickly blurted out before grabbing the rest of her stuff and dashing out of the house.

At school, she met up with Rosaline and they talked about nothing in particular until Juliet asked, "Did you see that guy in the front row? Y'know, at our show the other day?"

"If you mean the one you kept gawking at then yes, I did," Rosaline teased.

"First of all, jerk," Juliet said, causing Rosaline to put her hand over her heart as if she was shot by her words, "I wasn't gawking at him. And second, do you know who he is?"

"What makes you think I know who he is," Rosaline asked, lifting a brow.

"You know everything about everyone. It'd be impossible for you not to know who he is."

"I guess you're right, but I'm not telling," Rosaline responded while sticking her tongue out at her.

Juliet pouted. "Rosaline, please. I have to know."

"What? You like him or something?" Rosaline asked, raising a brow.

"Maybe," Juliet mumbled.

"Well, forget about it, hun. He's Romeo Montague." She patted Juliet's shoulder in hopes to comfort her, "If your dad found out you were with a Montague, he'd explode."

"I guess you're right. But, Romeo, he was almost angelic. I can't just forget about him."

"Juliet, you know I just want the best for you and I want you to be happy, but you can't. Not with him. Your parents they'd—" She paused. "Just ignore him, ok? For your sake and mine."

Juliet looked down solemnly, but nodded. Rosaline was right, it's for the best.

When she looked up she saw him, Romeo, with those boys she saw with him at their concert. Her heart started to race. She hid in the nearby bathroom in hopes that he wouldn't try to talk to her. She knew if he said a word to her, there'd be nothing to stop her from falling head over heels. Rosaline was confused until she turned around to see Romeo. She made a surprised squeak noise, causing Romeo to notice her. She tensed up and froze where she stood, but Juliet slithered her hand out to grab and pull her into the bathroom.

"Did you see that?" Romeo questioned.

"See what?" Mercutio asked before chugging his second energy drink that morning.

Romeo scratched the back of his neck, "I thought I saw Rosaline being pulled into the girls' bathroom by someone. They had a bracelet, I think I've seen it before." That's when he realized. It was a bracelet with a small cardinal charm as well as a 'j' and 'c' charm. He's seen those charms before.

"I think that was the mystery girl from two nights ago."

"You mean that Capulet girl?" Benvolio asked.

"Yep," Romeo answered. "I never realized they went to school with us."

"You never knew?!" Mercutio and Benvolio exclaimed.

Romeo scratched the back of his neck, his face flushing, "Well, I knew some Cardinals fans went here but I guess it didn't click in my mind that Capulets could be here too."

Benvolio rolled his eyes and laughed, "This is your senior year of high school and you had no idea that, this whole time, Capulets went here. You're hopeless, man." 

A/N: Suspend your disbelief for me. Idk any better way to explain why he didn't know

The bell rang for the students to go to class. Juliet snuck away to class with Rosaline close behind. The whole class she couldn't get Romeo off her mind and the "family feud" problem bugged Romeo. Neither couldn't stop daydreaming about the other and could barely focus on any of the words their teachers were saying. Juliet couldn't stop thinking about the sparkles in his eyes while he watched her sing and dance and Romeo could get her voice out of his head. Their friends and a few of their teachers had to snap them back to reality on multiple occasions. Juliet continued to avoid Romeo throughout the day, but eventually she couldn't take it anymore, she had to talk with him. She felt like if she didn't, she would've lost her mind.

At the end of the day, she searched for him on her way out and she saw him walking home. She already told Rosaline about her plan and asked her to distract Tybalt so he wouldn't try to stop her or attack Romeo. Rosaline luckily agreed to help so everything should be perfect. Juliet adjusted her shirt and jacket before speaking up.

"Um, hi!" She started to pick at her nails.

"Hi," Romeo responded, scratching the back of his neck and smiling awkwardly. "I'm Romeo. I remember seeing you backstage after one of my shows. I was in the crowd too." He held out his hand for her to shake.

"I'm Juliet," she said with a smile and shook his hand. She thought about how soft and warm it was, how her hand fit perfectly in his.

"I was heading over to Friar's Pizza. You wanna come?"

Juliet fidgets with the hem of her shirt. "What if someone sees us? Like your friends. Wouldn't they tell our parents or something?"

"It'll be fine. No one will know. Besides if my friends try to say anything, they owe me a lot so I'll just use one of my favors!" he soothed.

Juliet beamed, "In that case, sure, I'll go."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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