Fly ~Colection of Poetry and Prose~

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So... I decided to do a personal anthology of my poetry and prose. All of these pieces are MINE. I hope you like it. If you don't, oh well. *shrug* Hope you find something of your liking. Some are creative writing class work. Other's are personal so they might not have correct grammar and rhythm and things like that. Most will be poetry. I don't feel very confident with my prose.

I urge you to comment. Comments top more than votes because I actually get input and constructive criticism. SO COMMENT, please. 

Umm.... ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

Owl hugs and dolphin kisses,

Mari (OVO)

PS, the cover is done by the one and only, fabulous Mamina38199!

Fly ~Colection of Poetry and Prose~Where stories live. Discover now