Early Winter

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 This is my 2nd poem. Today is particularly cold, so I posted it! It's about when I was 4 in North Carolina and I saw snow for the first time. Not my best, but it fits the occasion. Happy March, guys! Also, matching video too! 

A cold blue eye pokes

into the vision snow.

It stays, scared stiff,

behind the frosty window.

Winter has come faster

than previously expected.

Pinecone trees have changed

into big snow piles.

Mud tracks trail together.

Two big feet, two small feet.

The man comes from behind.

The small girl keeps still.

Chuckles press on her ear.

It starts to spread warmth. 

She wonders, pensive.

She doesn’t know where

the white came from.

Where the brown leaves

dissolved and disappeared to.

Slowly, she hugs her father’s neck.  

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