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The sleepover had finally started, we were all just getting into our Pajamas, I was just wearing a hoodie that Looka had gave me as a gift with some black Jersey shorts, we basically just thought that we could start off with fur braiding, I was pretty excited since Looka had told me that he does know who to braid fur so I was pretty excited for it!

"You sure you know what ur doing Looka?" "Yea! The guards had taught me how to me I was more younger, so I think I've mastered it!" "Alrighty then my dude!" We all just did by turns, Sam was braiding Looka's hair while he was braiding mine, awhile he was braiding my hair, I think that he was humming Cavetown or something else, I don't really know since I have never really listened to Cavetown, but Looka has recommended me some of his songs so I have listened to some of them but not all of them

3 hours later

"Alrighty then Looka, so truth or dare?" "Yo-Kay uhm, dare." "*chuckles* ok my dude, I dare you to scream fuck yea out of the window." "Pfft- what is this? Stereotypical dares? Well I'm gonna do it. Right now!"

As Looka standed up I was like this close to laughing my ass off, I guess it was the way he said it or something.

"Ok then, Sam truth or dare?" "Dare!" "Ok I dare you to drink and entire bottle of hot sauce, while doing backflips." "Kid I do backflips every single fucking day, so this is like a normal Bangsday for me." As got up to grab a bottle of hot sauce, I thought he was about to pass out once he was done, but I'm guessing he has done something like this in the past, so it could be that or something.

"Ok I think that enough for today, we did a lot of dates so far, so u think we could it with a quick movie or something." "Ok then, what movie are we going to watch?" "Uhh what about the new horror movie that just came out?" "Oh you mean Lost Souls? Yea we can watch that!" "Alrighty then! Let's see if we can survive since I heard that some people passed out of fear doing the last 30 minutes of the film because of a jump scare that was in the movie!" "Are you guys sure? Like I'm just asking." "It's fine Sam, I have seen horror movies in the past, so I think I'm prepared for all of this." "Alrighty then, don't complain to me that you guys can't sleep at night." "Alright then Sam."

After the movie had finished, yea Looka wasn't kidding that people had passed out at the finale jumpscare, like Looka had seriously passed out, like even Sam was trying not to die of laughter, but either way, I placed Looka's head on my lap and just played with his hair for a while until I had finally drifted off to sleep

Lookabeth <3 (one shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant