Amusement park

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(Credits to cuguja999 for the idea :])

E.B.'s POV:
Since today was the last day that Looka was staying at Glurfsburg, I thought that we could just go on a carnival da- I MEAN TRIP, either way, we had just gotten there at the place and it was like around evening, so like 5-6, either way, it was honestly pretty fun! It felt like those indie movies where 2 kids go on their first date, "hey E.B.! I bet you I can get you that chickeraffe plush!" "You don't really need to do tha-" "hey Look, I didn't just come here bc I felt forced, I came to spend time with you, and plus, I really wanna get you something as like a little gift or something." "Alrighty then, just don't beat yourself up tomato." "Alrighty the- wait did you just call me tomato-" I could already tell that he just turned into a tomato by his blushing, it was adorable and thoughtful for him to try and win me something, but either way, when went to the game were u can win the Chickeraffe, the guy greeted us and said, "Welcome to the Wacka bottle! All you have to do is knock down all of the bottles and you can win yourself a chickeraffe plush! 6 tries for 3 bruckles!" "I'll have a good sir!" After like 3 failed tries, Looka was pulling up a sweat but he wasn't going to give up until he wins the chickeraffe for me, so either way, once he did it on his 4th try he did end up winning, the guy congratulated him and gave him the stuffed animal, "here E.B.!"

I was blushing like crazy, but either way, we walked around for awhile more and we did end up just getting some cotton candy and tried to find some more games until it was 8:30 since Sam was picking the both of us and dropping off Looka at the airport at 9:30, we couldn't find anything else since we already played at lot of the games or they had really long lines, but either way, we just sat down at a bench until Sam came to pick the both of us up, "so uhm, did u have fun today?" "Actually yea! I did!" "That's great dude!" We talked for a bit more u til Sam came by and picked the both of us up, "hop in u two!" We both got in while just holding hands and talking a bit more (lol Sam just be like: guess I'm third wheeling over here :>) Sam dropped me off at home while I just said goodbye to Looka until Sam drive away,

Looka's POV
While halfway on the drive I was just looking out the window while listening to Disobedient, it was one of the songs that Sam was playing on the radio, we were halfway in the drive until Sam had said, "soooooo, what were you guys doing at the amusement park???" "Oh nothing really, we just went on some of the rides, I won E.B. A chickeraffe plush and we had gotten ourselves some cotton candy!" "Oh cool! Glad u enjoy urself during this time kid!"

Lookabeth <3 (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now