The Elves and the Shoe Shop

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The shoemaker had been worried about having to close down his shop that had been in his family for generations. If he could not make a sale tomorrow then he and his wife would be out on the streets. Sadly, he only acquired enough leather to make one more pair of shoes. Weary from carrying the burden of his potential failure, the old man went to bed.

"I'll make this last pair of shoes first thing in the morning." He said to himself as he settled down next to his wife and drifted off into dreamland.

Two tiny beings, stooped and grey with age, rambled into the shop through an open window. One took a deep breath, "I love that cowhide smell, Edgar."

"We have work to do Edmund." His companion said pulling out a pair of scissors from his worn-out trousers.

The leather was cut and snipped. They tucked and stitched all through the night before hiding from sight. Watching as the old man came down the steps, the pair smiled. "Oh, this is perfect." Edmund said as they watched the shoemaker scratch his head in puzzlement. "I bet he thinks that he made them in his sleep."

The duo chuckled then tucked themselves into the tiny bed they had made for themselves beneath an old wardrobe and were soon fast asleep. The chirp of midnight sounded by the old cuckoo clock the two rolled out of their tiny bed and stretched. This night, they felt much more spry and chipper.

"Look! More leather!" Edmund exclaimed spotting two thick pieces of hide waiting on the cutting table.

"Back to work." Edgar said with a yawn.

Their fingers moved in a blur as quick as the wings of a hummingbird. The hours flew past and two brand new shoes sat where the leather once laid. Instead of waiting for the shoemaker to come down. The small ones returned to their resting place.

"Only a few more days and we'll be feasting with our kin back for our Autumn Harvest." Edmund said enthusiastically as he sat on a small chair he had made while smoking a pipe. "We should have enough of a harvest to bring in."

"Ah but the more good deeds we do, the better we will celebrate." Edgar proclaimed with his usual practicality as he blew a ring of smoke with his own pipe.

"I wish we had a new set of clothes to arrive home in. Everyone will be there." Edmund complained holding out his shabby coat to examine.

The creak of a floorboard overhead alerting the pair that the store's owner was now awake in the apartment above the small shop. Neither were in a hurry to go to bed for it would still be some time before the old man came down. Eventually they did fall asleep dreaming of the warm welcome that awaited them back home.

At the next stroke of midnight, the pair leaped from their bed in a cheerful mood. They appeared to have shed their grey hairs overnight that the wrinkles on their faces softened to a much more youthful appearance. The leather waiting had doubled and they happily danced and sang as they quickly made up four news pairs of dainty shoes that would fetch a much higher price than any of the previous pairs.

Their work complete, the two retreated to their spot to rest.

"We must leave tomorrow night, Edgar." Edmund said kicking off his old worn-out pair of shoes.

"You're right." Edgar said as he leaned back in the chair with his hands clasped behind his head.

They spirits were light as they drifted off into their dreams.

At midnight, the two awoke. They got out of the bed with excitement. This night they were going home. Leaving their temporary lodgings for the last time, Edmund and Edgar quickly packed up their meager belongs and disassembled the small bed and chair. A handful of dust was blown across the floorboards so that no one would ever know that they were ever there.

They emerged from under the wardrobe and danced a happy jig.

"Look!" Edmund said pointing at the cutting table.

Edgar cocked his head and looked at the strange sight. The duo climbed on top of the cutting table. Sitting where the leather usually lay were two stands. The displays held two amazingly well-made green suits complete with soft hats, black leather boots, and belts. Excited, they quickly changed into the new outfits. Twisting and turning, they dance and sang before picking up their packs and discarded outfits.

Leaving the small shoe shop, the duo whistled a tune and left the sleepy little town.

The husband and wife smiled as they watched the pair leave. They had accumulated enough money to save their shop and buy more leather. They would forever be grateful to the two tiny "elves" that helped them. Making them new outfits were the least they could do.


The tiny people cheered and laughed as the Autumn Feast commenced. The leader of their community declared them heroes for bring a group of beasts for slaughter. The largest beast would be eaten during the festival and the rest preserved for their winter stores.

Dancing, singing, and games were played and everyone indulged. What a fine time it was. When the meal was ready, everyone ushered Edmund and Edgar to the high table. A position of great honor.

The leader stood to give them praise. "Thanks to these two fine chaps. We now have plenty to eat and no one will go hungry!"

The crowd cheered.

"It is only fitting." The leader declared. "That Edmund and Edgar be given the first cut of the first beast."

The crowd roared their approval. The pair grinned ear to ear as their families looked on with pride as a large leg was placed in front of them.

Edmund and Edgar stood.

"My friends and family. We are truly honored." Edgar said. They both stabbed the meat with their forks and pulled away a tender morsal.

Lifting their utensils in the air, Edmund cried, "The feast has begun."

Both savored the first bite as everyone cheered and dug into the tasty dishes.

The leg was devoured and a leather shoe dropped. Edgar's wife picked it up. "Would you like me to put it back."

"No thank you, love. We're getting ready to eat the foot next."



Well they fixed my internet. Sorry if I haven't been  responding to everyone's messages.

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