P1 Meeting Monty

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You were driving to the brand new PizzaPlex that was built not too long ago and your little sister, Amanda, was begging you to go so she could meet Freddy Fazbear himself, you were always scared of the creepy animatronics but they made them look way more kid friendly so you didn't really mind them as much but still a little scared.

Once you finally got into the parking lot of the PizzaPlex you saw how big it looked, almost like a mall
"Uhh Amanda..this place is really big."
"Yeah it is!" She yelped with excitement
"I don't want you getting lost, just please don't run off anywhere." You said with a concerned tone in your voice
"Okay! I promise I promise! Can we go inside now?" Amanda said, sounding as if she was gonna explode if she didn't see the large bear.
"Okay! Okay Amanda calm down" you said giggling a little

You found a parking spot and grabbed Amanda's hand when she hopped out of the car, leading her inside
When you stepped inside you were greeted with a robot in your face, scaring the living shit out of you
"Take a map. Take a map." The robot repeated
"Jesus fucking Christ.." you muttered under your breath as you snatched the map out of the bots hand.

You were holding onto Amanda's hand as you looked at the map until a voice over the intercom blared across the building
"The show will start in 3 minutes so make sure to grab some Fizzy Faz and enjoy the show!"
"What the hell is fizzy faz?" You asked yourself, soon being cut off by Amanda tugging at your hand trying to pull you
"C'mon Y/N! We're gonna be late!!" Amanda scolded
"Alright! Alright! Let's go." You said following her lead.

After a few more looks at the map you two got to the main stage just in time, you and Amanda lucky got somewhat in the front row, you had to sit Amanda on your shoulders for her to see since she was only 9.

'How can this be good for kids' you think to yourself as you try not to blind yourself by all the flashing LED lights roaming around, with blasting music to go along with it, as you watched the show you set your attention on the gator as Amanda set her full attention on the bear, you watched as the gator played his bass it had reminded you of how you had to wait on your father to be done with stupid concerts but you grew a kinda liking to the gator as he tilted down his star shaped shades to the crowd, making them go wild.

After the show was over, Amanda told you about a thing called a photo pass so you bought her one to go see Freddy, you had to wait outside of Freddy's room and all you could think about was 'why the hell do animatronics need dressing rooms?' Amanda eventually came back out, looking like she was gonna explode she had almost immediately started talking about how nice Freddy was and showing you the photos they took together.

You were walking around when Amanda told you she wanted to go to the daycare, hearing the blasting music through the doors, she was curious so you got a daycare pass and let her go.

You walked around just looking at some of the attractions, you settled on Monty golf, once you walked in you felt calm(?) but the alligator heads jumping from the little ponds killed that mood
You walked over to the golf clubs and picked one up along with a golf ball, you walked over and put the ball on the red thing (idk what it's called) you tried to hit the ball in the hole but failed everytime, you decided to go try something else but when you turned to go put the golf club and ball back you were met with a green chest, you looked up to see the gator
You stared wide-eyed
"I see that cha' havin' some trouble with this, lemme help ya." The gator said
You wanted to decline his offer but also wanted to learn how to play so you said yes
"Uh sure! Why not" you replied to him
He laughed then spoke "what's ya name, doll?"
You were kinda taken back by the nickname but didn't wanna say anything
"I'm Y/N, what's your name?" You asked
He looked kinda offended in a way, then he laughed
"You really don't know who I am?" He laughed out
"Sorry but I don't.." you said in a low tone, how were you supposed to know who he was? Your sure Amanda did.
"I'm Montgomery Gator! The best gator around! Though, You can call me Monty!" Monty said putting his hands on his hips with a confident grin
"Oh! I've heard of you, Amanda talks about you a lot." You said that last part to yourself but Monty heard.
"Oh, my little sister but I tell her I'm her father."
"What? Why?" Monty sounded confused
"It's a long story but to shorten it my parents had to get a divorce when we were young and my dad was a famous singer and song writer so he barely had time for us so I had to take care of her most of my life so now she sees me as her dad and I don't wanna break the news to her when she's so young, so I had to keep up the act."
"Must be a long story if that was the short version, but How old are ya?" Monty asked
"Im 22 turning 23 in June."
"Hm...well how bout I teach ya some golf, rockstar!" Monty said with a smile
You looked into his beautiful red eyes as his soft smile made your heart feel warm and your body feel so light, this moment felt so nice and quiet until a gator head jumped out of the water and ruined the mood
"GAH!" You yelped as you snapped your head back to glare at the fake gator head
"Haha! Those things sure are loud, aren't they!" Monty laughed
"Heh y-yeah" you giggled a bit still trying to slow your heart rate
"Let's go to one of the holes!" Monty said grabbing your hand gently, leading you to the first hole, you never knew a robot gator hand could feel so soft.

♡𝚁𝚘𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌  𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎♡|| Monty x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now