P3 old faces

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Your POV
I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, I don't know who could be calling me I barely have any friends or anything like that so I have no clue of who it could be.
I plunge my hand down into my pocket and swiftly pull out my phone
I read the name of who was calling me...
is calling
My eyes wided at the words being displayed on my phone

Flashback (cuz I can)
"YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR DRUGS AND ALCOHOL! NOT ABOUT OUR CHILDREN OR ANYTHING!" dad yelled at mom, they always did this.. Why us?
I was upstairs with Amanda, trying to stop her from crying, I was cradling her in my arms.
I was only 10 an Amanda was just a baby. Why us?
Why did we have to go through this?
I covered Amandas ears softly, trying not to hurt her, that didn't work so I went back to cradling her and singing a soft lullaby as the screaming continued.
Mom yelled


"SO WHAT?! THEY AREN'T EVEN YOURS!" mom yells then slaps her hands over her mouth

"What?" dad says in shock

"I-i..." moms voice trails off
At this point, you had your ear against the door, still holding Amanda.

"You fucking cheated!?"

"Of course I did! There was no reason not too!"

"What the actual fuck! We've been together for 20 year's..i know we fight but..." dads voice trails off, he sounded genuinely hurt.

"All we do is fight, dan!"

"I-...i don't wanna see you right now..." dad says as tears form in his brown eyes

"Your kicking me out?!"



You froze as you heard her words, you we're scared of her she would hit you when you did the smallest thing wrong.

Her foot steps got louder, you started hyperventilating as you darted your head across the room and landed your eyes on a hiding spot

The closet.

You dived in the small space with Amanda still in your arms.
The door flew open
"YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM! I WON'T LET Y-" before your dad could finish, he turned around only to be met with no sight of you.


Dad said as he stepped infront of her

You heard your dad being hit with something along with a thud.
Tears starting rolling down your face as you used a hand to cover your mouth but the closet opened and-

"DAD!" You heard Amanda scream, you jolted up and your eyes widened
The call.
"Huh?" You say
"Your phone has been ringing! And you just sat there...are you okay, dad?" Amanda said as she looked up at you
"I- uhm...y-yeah..I'm fine. I'm okay Amanda" you say trying your best to smile but remembering your mother didn't help
"Are you su-" Amanda got cut off by the ringing of your phone

Is calling

"Dad? I have a mom?" Amanda said, your eyes widened and your breathing started getting heavy
"No. You don't have a mom." You say sternly but calmly at the same time, not wanting to scare Amanda.
"But dad..it says m-"
"It's...it's a typo.."
You wanted to change the mood so you put a smile on your face and spoke
"Well, c'mon let's go see the band?" You say, questioning if she still wants to go in or not
"Yes! I cant wait to see Freddy and Monty again!" That seemed to bring your happy Amanda back, you loved to see her happy that's all you wanted to give her in life, you wanted her to be happy and smile.

You take Amanda out of the car and you two walk inside
When the intercom spoke
"The show will start in 2 minutes! Grab your Fizzy Faz and watch our stars perform!"
'Still don't know what Fizzy Faz is.' You thought to yourself
"C'mon! C'mon dad! We're gonna miss them!" Amanda said dragging your arm
"Fine fine I'm coming!" You say as you chuckled and you two walked to the main stage.

[time skip cuz I can]
After the show was done Amanda went on to go to Freddy's green room but before she did you told her your gonna go talk to Monty so when she's done come to Monty's room, surprisingly, little to nobody was lined up at Freddy's door.
You walked to Monty's door and knocked
You heard a low growl, your heart beat went faster,
You heard Monty's robotic foot steps coming towards the door, at this point, your palms were sweating buckets and your breathing became faster and heavier
The door slowly opened only to be met with Monty's glowing crimson eyes through the small crack in the door
"What?" Monty's voice sounded angry and strained
"U-uhm..I just.." your eyes looked at the ground as you took a deep breath
"I just wanna s-say I'm sorry.." you say, rubbing your arm
Before another word could come out, Monty grabbed you and pulled you into his room
"M-Monty?" You question his actions
"I-..I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have ran off like that..." Monty said as he looked at the ground
"Did you...did you hea-"
"Yeah." Monty's voice sounded stern
"Oh..I-I meant in a friend way! Of course! Haha.." you laugh awkwardly
This seemed to make Monty narrow his eyes more
"I know. I just haven't been told that in a while...and...uhm...it uh.. felt nice to-" Monty's voice got cut off by rapid knocking at his door, you assumed it was Amanda and you walked over to the door but when it opened you weren't met with Amanda..but

Your mothers face.

Your eyes widened in horror
"Amanda." Was all you could say, Monty noticed your state and stepped in
"Who are you ma'am?"
"I'm Y/Ns mother." Her voice sounded cold and stern
"Hm..okay." Monty said taking Amanda by the hand and leading her in, but when your mom tried to walk in Monty stopped her
"Do you have a photo pass?" Monty said as he put his hands on his hips
"What is that?"
"It allows you to come into any of the band members rooms, do ya have one?" Monty glanced back at you and smiled
At me..
His smile...
His smile made your heart flutter and your body feel light, you felt like his smile was all yours like he only had that smile for you..and only you..

"Alright I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" you snapped out of your trance when you heard your mother being dragged out
"I WILL GET TO SEE MY AMANDA!! I WILL Y/N!! DONT EVER DOUBT IT FOR A SECOND!" Your mom yelled as she was being dragged out by employees
"Dad?...is she talking about me?"
You glance down at Amanda
"No, she's talking about..another Amanda, sweetheart" Amanda's eyes widened
"There's more of me??" She said excitedly
"Heh! No silly, just someone else who has your name and maybe she got mixed up!" You said smiling, you knew your sudden good mood was brought by Monty's gorgeous smile
"Hey, y/n I need to talk to you..outside.." Monty spoke in a low, almost, sympathetic tone
"Alright" you turn to Amanda
"Stay here, play with those plushies you played with yesterday!" You said happily
"Okay dad!" Amanda said
You and Monty walked out of the room

Monty stopped and turned to you
"Was that really your mom?" He said putting a hand on his hip
"Yeah...I'm sorry, I have no idea how she found me and-"
"Heh, it's alright doll" Monty said as he pulled down his star shades and winked
That caused you to blush hard
Monty noticed and laughed a bit
You spoke "hey..how about we forget about earlier, only if you want to! We can still talk about it if you-"
"That would be nice y/n" Monty interrupted you, you look up at him and smile, he returns with his smile
You and Monty were walking back in when you heard Monty whispered quietly

"Love ya too, rockstar."

♡𝚁𝚘𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌  𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎♡|| Monty x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now