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"Open up El!"
Bang Bang Bang.
"I know you're in there"
Bang Bang Bang.
Hearing the noise from my sleep, I immediately sigh, knowing someone is determined to wake me up.

"Leave me alone!!!" I scream from my bedroom hoping the obnoxious person hears and leave me be.
It works, there appears to be no noise after that, only some Beeps, further Beeps and footsteps which, I believe, are receding back to wherever they came from.
Fluffing my pillow well, I position myself better to lay back into the sweet arms of slumber until water starts trickling down my face.
Has rain decided to fall directly into my apartment? I wonder
Where did the ceiling go. I ponder.

On cue, I jolt up, my eyes scanning my bedroom to see the intruder, for some reasons, I've taken self-defense classes while I was younger, the reason being I'm my dad's child and also the best instrument for threat to him.
By my right, where my bedside table stands holding books I'll never read and a daisy flower structured lamp, is Esse with a cup in her left hand.
I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Eleanor Marie Graham, what are you doing in bed?!" She screamed the question part of the sentence at the top of her voice.
"Sorry, mum?" I smile sheepishly.
So, Esse is the disciplined, unexplainable strong and outgoing freak I have as a friend.
I glance at her for a moment, she is all dressed not in the black dress code, just a casual jean and top.
Noticeably, she has styled her blonde hair into waves, letting it fall silky over her back, her face remaining plain.
I can't blame her though, Glenda always insist on making our hair whenever we go out in groups, but she constantly fails to realize it's not her calling, and we really don't have the dignity to tell it to her face, it'll break Glenda's fragile heart, so we decided to do our hair before dressing up together just to avoid Glenda's clutches.
Since I'm not ready, my curly ebony hair will face her wrath tonight.

"What are you waiting for?, get up, let's go" Esse practically yells at me.
I sluggishly leave my bed but upon hearing knuckles crack, I rush into the bathroom, smiling all the way at the thought of Esse releasing her fury on me. After cleaning up, I go casual as Esse has instructed and got pulled out of my apartment after making sure to lock it before leaving.
We are on the way down when I ask her, "You know my combination?"
She spares me a glance and huff.
"You have drunk texted the group one Friday, told us to keep it in mind in case you forget it and actually lose your way in"

"Oh!" I exclaim in epiphany, when, at all, I don't remember me doing so.
"Thanks for keeping it in mind to use it" I reply sarcastically.
She surely got the message considering the nudge in the ribs she decided to hand out, not too hard though, just the friendly way.
We are taking her car and not mine, I don't use my baby frequently during the weekends because I might crash her accidentally cause of being drunk and the first reason being the second.

"Since you didn't allow me to pick an outfit, what will I wear, genius?" I ask her as she speeds past a mall and rounds the car into the opulent street that holds Glenda's house.
"We got it covered, I'm also not with any dress" she replies, her eyes fixed on the road.
"And shoes?" I inquire even though I have shoes I had previously forgotten at Glenda's and refused to take back home
"I see your shoes often at Glenda's".

I wouldn't lie, I'm trying my very best to avoid going to this party. Of course, I love Rosa and will very much like to celebrate her 31st birthday alongside everyone but not in expense of a night of rest, no one understands this, the week's work has been extremely tough on me. I heave a sigh of failure when Esse stops the car at Glenda's driveway, yes, Glenda has her house and the building is all to herself. In front of Esse's car is Carolyn's red Jeep, everyone is here and excited to party.

I follow in step with Esse as we walk into the familiar furnished home of Glenda Harrell, one of the three heiresses to the Harrell's estate. One can say I made friends with bonus points each, but what can I say except that I attract good people, but it doesn't apply when it comes to the opposite sex.

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