Chapter 6: Evilest of them all!

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As much as possible Wei Ying doesn't want to be thrown out of Cloud Recesses but it seems that Lan Jingyi, their roommate doesn't want him and Wen Yuan in the same room as him.

"I don't like you two here! Why do the elder disciples decide to pair you up with me!" Lan Jingyi exclaimed, clearly disappointed in their situation. Wei Ying's eyes rolled and shake his hand. He held Wen Yuan's hand and guided him to a nearby bed.

"Ah Yuan, come! If that kid doesn't want us to be near him then we can share beds," Wei Ying said with a smile on his face. Of course, will he let the opportunity to be with Wen Yuan again? Even though right now they are the same age, he is mentally older than him by two decades.  Wen Yuan smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Ah Ying!" The Wen childe smiled widely. Lan Jingyi scoffed at the two.

"Why does Sect Leader Lan allow a Wen like you study here in Cloud Recesses? The Wens should die! They are all evil!" Wei Ying actually wants to ignore the talking Lan childe but what he said was below the belt! He saw how Wen Yuan looked down ashamed of his heritage. Ashamed of being a Wen. Wei Ying glared at the Lan childe.

"Hey, you! How dare you say that! Not all Wens is evil! Leave Ah Yuan alone! You're actually a bad example of a Lan! You're not a Lan!" Wei Ying yelled. Wen Yuan holds Wei Ying's hand to stop arguing with Lan Jingyi.

"Ah Ying, don't fight with him anymore. I'm fine," Wen Yuan said. Wei Ying looked at Wen Yuan who was on a verge of crying. Lan Jingyi gave them a smug look.

"Look at him, he is already shaking in fear. What I said was true! The Wens was the one who started the war. They should be punished accordingly to the laws of the cultivation world! A Wen must die! Why did Yiling Laozu need to take care of the remaining Wens? He died because of saving them! Good for him-"

Wei Ying's eyes widened and were surprised when he saw Wen Yuan punch Lan Jingyi in the face.

"Xian-gege is a good man! He takes care of me and teaches me not to fight with another person without a reason! But you're bad!" Wen Yuan said teary-eyed. Lan Jingyi glared at the two and pushed Wen Yuan. Of course, Wei Ying did what Lan Jingyi do. The latter lay flat on the floor and started to cry. A Lan disciple knocked and come inside the room. He was surprised to see Lan Jingyi wailing while pointing at the two of them.

"They punched me and pushed me down!" Lan Jingyi cried. The Lan Disciple looked at Wei Ying and Lan Yuan and gave them a cold look. He helped the wailing Jingyi and comfort him. Wei Ying scoffed and helped Wen Yuan who is silently crying and looking at Lan Jingyi and the glaring disciple.

"How unruly you two! Don't your mothers teach you to behave?" The Lan disciple said with a stern voice. Wen Yuan flinched and looked down but not Wei Ying. He will be standing in the justice!

"Did someone teach him though about how to behave?" Wei Ying said and pointed at Lan Jingyi. The Lan Disciple was annoyed. How dare this child ask him about how Lan Jingyi behaves? He may be full of energy but this child is kind and compassionate.

"You don't know how the Lans behave! You two, out of the room! I will raise this to the Lan Sect leader and elder myself!" The Lan Disciple said and point to the door. Wei Ying and Wen Yuan hold hands and went out of the room. Why do people don't ask for the real truth first before they judge?

Wei Ying, Wen Yuan, Lan Jingyi, and the Lan Disciple faced Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren. Lan Qiren has disappointment in his eyes when looking at the two children who had a recommendation. Lan Xichen looked at the two sadly. They just come to the sect and they have already broken a rule. Truly it broke his heart.

"You two, did you know that you broke a rule? Fighting inside Cloud Recesses is prohibited. You just arrived here and you already caused trouble. Why did you push and punch, Jingyi? Much more a Lan?" Lan Qiren said sternly. Wei Ying frowned and glared at Lan Jingyi before looking at Lan Qiren.

"But he also broke rules," Wei Ying said. This caught Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren's attention. Lan Jingyi break a rule?  A Lan?

"And what is that rule, Young Childe Li Ying?" Wei Ying sighed deeply and looked at them straight.

"Be careful with your words. Be Respectful and humble. Do not bully the weak." Wei Ying listed more rules that Lan Jingyi committed. It shocked Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren. How could he know a lot of rules of Cloud Recesses? He might know the rules by heart more than a Lan like Lan Jingyi. The Lan childe's face turned pale and it didn't escape from Lan Xichen's eyes. It seems the young childe is telling the truth based on Lan Jingyi's face alone.

"I-I-I didn't do that!" Lan Jingyi exclaimed. His voice raises. Wei Ying looked at him coldly and crossed his arms.

"Do not tell lies and causing noise is prohibited. Say more and I will add another rule you might have broken," Wei Ying said clearly annoyed by Lan Jingyi. Lan Xichen looked at the two children before looking at Wen Yuan.

"Ah Yuan, can I trouble to ask you what really happen? What did Lan Jingyi say to you and your friend?" Wen Yuan looked at Lan Xichen before looking at Wei Ying who was having a glaring contest with Lan Jingyi. Wen Yuan grip his clothes and looked at Lan Xichen determined. Her Ayi told him not to cause trouble because Rich-gege was the one who recommend him to study in Cloud Recesses.

"He said that my family is evil so that we should die," Wen Yuan said but he murmur the last words and Lan Xichen heard about it. He looked at Lan Jingyi disappointedly. The Lan childe looked down and did not meet Lan Xichen's eyes.

"Jingyi, you said a bad thing." Lan Xichen sighed and then noticed Lan Zhan walking hastily. he may have heard about Wen Yuan. Behind him was Wen Ning who is Wen Yuan's uncle. The two did a salute. Wei Ying flinched when he felt a familiar aura. He looked back and saw the person he wished to see. But that person is not looking at him. He was contented to see him.

"Xiongzhang..." Lan Zhan didn't say anything but then Lan Xichen knows what he will say next.

"It's alright, Wangji. Wen Yuan is not hurt or injured," Lan Xichen said. Lan Zhan sighed in relief. He will take the punishment if needed. But he knows that Wen Yuan is a bright and cheerful child, but when Wei Ying died he became quiet and wary. So, he suggested to Wen Qing that let Wen Yuan study in cloud recessed. If he ever didn't fit in, he will take the liberty to teach the child all on his own. Lan Zhan walked toward Lan Xichen and Wei Ying's eyes looked at Lan Zhan's every move. Lan Xichen noticed the gaze of the young child, Li Ying, toward his brother but remove any thoughts and faced his brother.

"Xiongzhang, what happened?" Lan Zhan asked. Lan Xichen sighed and looked at the three children.

"I think Lan Jingyi doesn't want Wen Yuan and this child, Li Ying to be in the same room as him and they fight. But what Jingyi said about Wen Yuan is really... unbecoming for a Lan." Lan Xichen said. Lan Qiren scoffed.

"We don't know if that child really is saying the truth!" Lan Qiren said clearly siding with Lan Jingyi. It irritates Wei Ying. How could Lan Qiren say such a thing? Is he being narrow-minded again?

"How can a child like him say that Wens should die? The late Wen Rouhan might be evil but not all Wen are like him. Ah Yuan is an example, his family is all healers..." Wei Ying said. Lan Zhan turned and looked at him. Wei Ying flinched and looked down. Lan Zhan looked at the child confused because how did he know that Wen Yuan's family is healers?

"How did you know about that?" Lan Qiren asked suspiciously.

"Be-Because Wen Yuan's auntie smelled like herbs," Wei Ying said. Lan Zhan looked at the child and for some reason, his heart is starting to react. It was tingling and ache at the same time but he didn't acknowledge it and tried to ignore his feelings. He just looks at them.

"True, Wen Yuan's aunt is a healer and a Wen. Jingyi, like what Li Ying said was true. Not all Wen is bad," Lan Xichen said with a smile. Lan Jingyi looked at Lan Xichen with a furrowed eyebrow.

"But Yiling Laozu is the evilest of them all, right? I heard from the other disciples that he eats children and makes them his bed and medicine!" Lan Jingyi said. Wei Ying looked at the child bewildered.

Does he look like a troll to him?

A/n: Well, Jingyi! are you confusing Yiling Laozu with another fairytale?

Pardon my English, grammatical errors, and spelling! See you soon! 

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