Stay with me

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Chapter 9
Rachels pov :
"Rachel!" BANG!! I heard I found myself on the ground but I was okay . Suddenly I looked over and saw Finn lying on the ground covered in blood . "Finn !" I yelled . I ran over to him and took my jacket and put it under his head. "Rachel. " he said softly . "Finn stay with me okay everything's going to be okay . " I said he started to close his eyes , "Rachel I'm feeling sleepy . " he said. "Finn what ever you do don't close your eyes . " I said. "Rachel just know that I love you and no matter what I will protect you. " he said weakly . He started to close his eyes and then suddenly the ambulance busted in with a gurney , "Help ! " I yelled. They ran over and put Finn on the gurney blood was everywhere and Karofsky was gone .
(End of flashback)
"Finn Hudson. " the doctor said . We all stood up . I was covered in blood Kurt held my hand tightly . "Is he okay?" Carol asked . "He just got out of surgury and he should be okay however we don't know when or if he'll wake up. " the doctor said . "But he's okay ?" Kurt asked . "Hopefully we can only hope for the best. " the doctor said and walked away. I sat down and then Mr.Shue came in and sat down next to me . "Is he going to be okay?" He asked me. "Its all my fault. " I said. "What?" He asked. "Its all my fault Finn got shot Karofsky was after me I should be the one in that hospital bed not him. " I said . "Rachel it's not your fault you didn't shoot him Karofsky did . " Mr. Shue said. "But I'm the one who made him do it , Finn was just trying to protect me and I couldn't even do that for him . " I said. "Listen to me Rachel it is not your fault . " he said . "I gotta Mr.Shue. " I said and left . 15 minutes later I walked into the hospital room where Finn was . He looked so still , light even like a tall angel . I sat down next to him he was covered in wires one to breath with and one to keep track of his heart rate. I sat down and took his hand and said , "Hey it's me Rachel I just wanted to say that I love you and I am so sorry baby . I shouldn't have let you take that bullet . It's all my fault , I put you in danger and now you might not wake up. I need you Finn Hudson you are the one thing in my life that is not comepletly screwed up. You are all that I need so please wake up . Stay with me . " I begged .

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