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I always thought it was hard to find 'true love', or so I thought. But I now realize MY true love, was always right by my side.

I had just hopped out of the shower, it was so humid. I had opened the door to get some cold air into the washroom, and coincidently. Someone knocks on the main door downstairs.
Y/n- "dammit, give me one minute!" You shout. You grab your robe and tie it up while running down the stairs. You open the door out of breath.
Tom- "hey...y/n..?"
Y/n- "Tom! Hey!"
Tom- "sorry is this..." he pauses and gives you a quick 'up and down' look. "...bad timing?"
Y/n- "No" you laugh. "It's fine, I just got out of the shower."
Tom- "I see" he smiles.
Y/n- "come in." You open the door wider,
(Im a little dirty minded😋) as he steps through the door frame entering your little home.

I've lived in my home my whole life. Tom has lived across from me since we were just little. He moves around a lot due to making films and such. But when he's not, he's at home with Nikki and Dominic. Sometimes I see them around town. They usually stop by for some tea, with Paddy and Harry. I'm close with the whole Holland family.
Harrison and Tom met around 12 years ago, and started to get close. Once Tom introduced me to Harrison, we all became best friends, and we are now inseparable

You walk upstairs with Tom.
Y/n- "Hold on, just wait out her for a sec?" I ask.  "I got to change"
Tom- "Alright."
There's a bit of an awkward silence as you quickly run into your room and shut the door
Y/n- "So, Tom. You must of missed me, eh?" You ask through the door. "You couldn't even resist me a day."
Tom laughs.
You come out of the room with a pretty dress on. It was my favourite colour (your choice) and it had flower designs on it.
Tom- "Wow. This was the fastest you have ever got changed."
Y/n- "Shut up" you giggle. "I got ready because..."
Tom raises and eyebrow waiting for you to finish the sentence.
Y/n- "...I have somewhere to take you!"
Tom- "Somewhere to take me?"
Y/n- "Yes! Now hurry up!" You grab his arm and run out the door.

End of chapter one!

Sorry this is a bit short 😅 I kinda just wanted to try this out <3 I'll see where it takes me:)) I'll be working on the next chapter soon haha! Bye my Tom simps👋

Across the streetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ