A Fresh Start

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After andy got out of the hospital he had to rest for a couple of weeks and in those weeks many things happened...

After andy and joey got out of the hospital andy decide to call up his friends from some of the other bands he associated with for example he called vic, Ronnie, jixx, Oliver. they all came down to make sure he lived and was able to function properly again. the thing was andy being andy he wouldn't stay in bed like the doctor ordered witch caused tons of problems. andy wanted to spend most of his time with joey.. just in case something bad happened. Andy wanted so badly to tell joey how he felt about her but he was to much a coward to do so. the days were long and the longing for joey that andy had was getting stronger... he wanted to be the guy that helped her up when she was down. the guy that is always there. the guy who's shoulder she would cry on. thats all he wanted.

Joey's POV

andy's getting better and i really want to be there for him as much as possible. waiting for him to make a move is getting boring and i think i love him a lot. i don't exactly know what to do yet I've been thinking maybe ill make the move maybe i wont i just don't know yet.

Andy's POV

i love her smile. i love how she's always here for me. i love her eyes. i love her voice. i love her body. i love her hair. i love her attitude. i love it when she's mad(because she's cute when she's mad). i just love her all the way around... you know what its time to make a move .. come on andy its time.. "hey joe". "yeah andy?"." I was wondering if when ever i get better if you would want to go do something. like maybe go get something to eat or go to a theme park or something?" . "wait are you asking me out on a date?" "yeahhhhh" "then yeah ill do it. ill go on a date with you Mr. Andy Biersack i will" "ok" "okayy" ... wow i acthally did it im satisfied with myself now.. wow biersack you did it..

Joey's POV

he asked me out wow im impressed.. this is gonna be fun.

The next day

joey gets up and starts to get ready when she gets a text from andy saying "ill be there at 5" she picks up her phone and texts back "see ya soon". she goes and hops in the shower. washes her hair and face then gets out. she runs to her room and pulls out some black skinnies and a batman crop top. she goes to her closet to find her back and yellow batman vans. then she heads to the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. she put on her foundation and her powder. then next she does her eye shadow. white and a darker grey. finally she does some eyeliner on her water line and her mascara. for her hair she curled it and pined up her newly cut fringe. her hair is now black with bleach blonde under her fringe.

Andy gets ready but of course taking a shower. After he hops out the shower he goes to his messy dresser in his very messy room, to find something to wear. he picks out a pair of black skinnies with a nirvana shirt and his nirvana converse high tops. he goes into the bathroom to straighten his hair. With that he was finished. andys hair was black. that all just black. andy had gone a week earlier to get his batman tattoo. he planned on getting more up his arm. he started on his way to get his keys so he could go pick up joe for there "date". he climbed into his car and off he went.

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