Chapter 4

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High heels on the temple's stone.

Someone was finally arriving.
When the call arrived, the night before, he had no chances to ask about the journey he had to do.
He was just told to be at the temple at eight in the morning with enough clothes for a couple of days.

Oh. Fuck.

"Grand Magus, do you know what's happening? I received this call and-"
"Mr Duke? I'm afraid I don't have much more informations than you."

What was he doing there?

Surprise and questions were in their eyes when Kepler appeared on the top of the stairs.
"You guys are both here! Perfect. You can now leave."

Vera approached Kepler and whispered:
"You didn't tell me he was coming too."
"I thought you could use some company."

"HIS company? The one who was staring at my... well, you know."
"So you ADMIT IT!"

Vera pinched the upper part of her nose and inhaled.
"Please, Bitzy, tell me you didn't do all this just to prove you were right."
She grinned.
"Maybe yes, maybe no."

She raised her voice.
"Have a nice trip!".
"And nice nights" She whispered, blinking.

God, this was going to end badly.


The airplane took off.
Vera was on the window-side seat.
Hamish was sitting next to her.
Awkward silence.

"So... what is this all about?"
Hamish's voice was unsure, but curious.
"It seems like I have to calm a debate between a councilor and a temple Magus." She smiled bitterly.
"Like a damn babysitter."

Hamish laughed a bit and looked at her.
"Don't look at me like that. I'm not blindly following the orders like some lost puppy. I need the council to support me... shit I shouldn't even say this to you."
She smiled.

"I won't say a word" he said, smiling back.
"And I could never imagine you following the orders blindly."

"I'm going to take this as a compliment."
"Good. It is."

They didn't speak for a while.
Then, the pilot broke the silence through the speakers: they were about to enter a turbulence.

Vera closed her eyes. She inhaled and exhaled. One, two, three times.
"Is everything ok?"
"I just don't like turbulences. Nobody does, I suppose."
"Do you want to squeeze my hand?"
He grinned shyly.
"It makes my little brother feel better when he is scared."

Vera looked at him sceptically.
"I think I can make it by myself, but thank you."
"Whenever you want, Magus."

The airplane started trembling and Vera closed her eyes, gripping the seat armrests.

"Really, whenever you want."

She had to resist. She could make it.
She had to.

A particularly strong shake made her gasp.

"Oh, fuck that bullshit."

She took his hand squeezing it.
He squeezed back.

When the shakes stopped they hold their hands for a couple of minutes more, before realising there was no need anymore.
Then they both looked down awkwardly.

After a few hours they arrived to Seattle.
Now they had work to do.

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