Chapter 1

115 6 12

"Varanus speaking"
Author speaking

Kishi's POV

~9 years later ~
It's been 9 years since I escaped from my abusive father, I still can't remember anything from that evening till dawn, I only remember waking up and being bandaged. Anywho, since then I've been tossed from foster home to foster home, my last foster home was nice, I even had friends, but I didn't really feel at home even though it was a foster 'home',get it?okay I'll stop now. I did what I do best and ran away,after 'borrowing'some money from my foster dad's wallet. One of my friends from before introduced me to stock exchange, I tried it out, and by luck,(Or plot), I struck gold, figuratively not literally, now I'm pretty rich, but I'd rather live a humble life, hence my living in a three bedroom apartment.
I'm seventeen already so I'm about to start my second year of highschool. I better stop reminiscing,(More like narrating),about my past and get ready for school. I head to the bathroom, brush my teeth,then bathe. After drying myself with a towel,I put on my new school's uniform, the Kuoh Academy uniform.
It consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved button down shirt with vertical linings,a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. I toss the blazer to the side, and unbutton the shirt leaving my plain black T-shirt exposed, I replace the brown dress shoes with black sneakers, and I also don't wear the ribbon.
I head to the kitchen and whip up a quick breakfast of toast and eggs, after eating I make my way out the door and head to school.


Author's POV
He finally arrives at school, he walks through the school gates and enters the school grounds. He gets a lot of stares from people and it makes him feel self-conscious. The girls are looking at him like a starved lion would look at a piece of meat while the guys are looking at him like he clapped their moms. He tries his best to ignore their looks and heads to the student council office to get his schedule.He knocks on the door and is greeted by a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to their knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye, (both brown in the anime),she is Tsubaki Shinra.

Tsubaki:"Hello, how may I help you."

Kishi:"Hi, I'm a new student and I'm here to get my schedule."

Tsubaki:"Oh, you're the new student."

Kishi:"Yes I am."

Tsubaki:"Please wait a moment". She goes into the office and comes back with a sheet of paper and hands it to him.

Tsubaki:"You'll be in class 2-B"


Tsubaki"No problem"

He turns around and tries to locate his class. After about 5 minutes, he finds his class. He knocks on the door three times then a teacher opens it.

Teacher:"You must be the new student, come in"


Teacher"Class before we move on I would like you to meet our new student. (To Kishi) Go ahead introduce yourself"

Kishi"Hi my name's Kishi Kage, I like good food, videogames and my afternoon naps, I hate bullies, rapists, and assholes"

Random Girl 1:"He's kinda cute"

RG2:"Are you kidding me, he's hot"

Hearing the comments from the unimportant background characters, Kishi can't help but blush a little.

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