Garbage Truck

208 4 2

Location - Jakes House
Timeline - After Ep. 9

Drew : I still don't get why you dyed your hair black-


*Garbage Truck - Pulls up*

Jake (T) : 'Oh Zoe its time for sweet revenge, and this is only part 1...' 

Jake : Hey Zoe I think someone's here for you

*points outside*

Zoe : Uh..? I don't see anyone, there's just a garbage truck?

Jake : exactly.  *puts hands into a fist*

Henry : Confused

Zoe, Drewy and Liam : Realizes

Drew : spits out drink

Liam : OOOO~

Zoe : YOU LITTLE *chases Jake*

Henry : what's going on  😭

NOT OG! Ipso by someone on youtube going to add the youtube link if I find the video

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