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Next morning

Ir was already 14:00 and y/n hasn't had lunch yet
She wakes up with puffy eyes for all the crying yesterday


I'm now walking to the convenience store to buy some ramyeon wearing comfy clothes but cute cuz when I'm sad if i have an outfit that I like it light up my mood and also I don't want anyone to know that I'm sad..

I'm now walking to the convenience store to buy some ramyeon wearing comfy clothes but cute cuz when I'm sad if i have an outfit that I like it light up my mood and also I don't want anyone to know that I'm sad

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Something like this
After eating and buy some things I needed
I went to the music store to say hi to jeon

(In Korean )

Y/n:Hii jeon

J:Hi y/n
Can i ask you something ?

Y/n:Yes of course

Singing and Dance competition today 18:00 ? Evil funny smile*
Y/n: chuckles* yess of course see you there I'm just going to put all the things I bough to my house and then come back


J: okey what songs do you want ?
Y/n: put what you want I can dance everything evil funny smile *
J: yaaaa that's my evil smile !
Y/n: starts laughing * I know ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Okey lets start


J:Y/n do you want to be at YG ?
Y/n:I-i dont know.. im not good enough* i though
Sighs *
Y/n: I want to be..
J: i know what are you thinking, you are amazing and the fact that you are incredible in what you love makes you special Y/n .

And don't worry because me and Ryujin will be there in every step you take

I immediately hug him
Y/n: no one told me that before.. thank you *whispering*
R: can I be in that hug ? *Smiling sadly*
Y/n: RYUJIIN *I run to hug her*
R/n: come here Jeong * smiling*

After the group hug
Y/n: did you two talk about this ?

R:yes, I have see you singing and dancing.. I would love to be with you as a traine in YG you have a lot of potencial and I love your voice is something no one can replace..
Y/n: stop.. why are you guys so good friends..
*Covering my face for embarrassment and sadness, after recovering a little *

J: Y/n/n would you sing something for us ?
R: please ? *Kind smile *

Y/n: okey .. this is for you guys

I want to show you a song that I wrote.. my first song a few years ago..no one have ever listen to it.. I want you two to be the first ones to hear it..

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